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Jungkook rests his head on Anyss's shoulder.
Both of them are sitting on a bench facing the Han River night view.

"Everything and everyone going to be well. Don't put too much pressure into your head sweetie.." Anyss tries to calm Jungkook.

Jungkook changes his position. He gets up and tries to inhale the fresh night air.

"I don't want to say this but I can't keep denying this feeling Anyss. She's going to leave me," he let out his feeling.

Anyss remains on the sit and Jungkook only gives his back to her.

"This ceremony should be the best moment for us, but I had to reschedule so she will be a part of the day. I'm sorry" Jungkook put his head down, looking at the ground with a guilty feeling.

He feels guilty for his girlfriend, they only have less than 2 weeks for the preparation.

"Jk, we talk about this and I am okay. She will be a part of us for the rest of our life, not just on the day." Anyss reply.

She knows Jungkook and Yn are so close and they will do anything for each other.
At first, she's quite jealous and feels suspicious about their relationship but knowing Yn, she knows why Jungkook always adores her.
Her positivity and high motivation always make the day, until she was diagnosed with her cancer.

She turns out to be a different person but Jungkook never gives up on her and will always be there to support Yn.

Jungkook turns his body to Anyss.
He looks at her face. The face that always smiles and gives him courage in his hard time.

"What if she leaves me before the day?"

The thing that he scared the most at this moment.

Anyss shakes her head.

"Jungkook, she will be fine. You shouldn't say that."

"She starts to act differently Anyss, and she keeps talking about her late parents. " Jungkook explains what is the reason behind his worries.

It looks like a sign from Yn. A goodbye sign.

"Have you talked to Jin?" Anyss ask.
He doesn't want Jungkook to make his assumptions.

Jungkook nod.

"He said anything can happen at this point. "
Jungkook looks at her with his teary eyes.

Anyss can see Jungkook's hand start to shake. It will always happen when he tries to hold himself from crying.

" I failed to protect her Anyss. I'm not a good little brother and I'm going to lose my only sister that I had." Jungkook can't control himself anymore.

What will happen if Yn leaves him?
When he needs advice, who will he turns to?
Who will call him 'Little Bunny' if she's gone?

If he misses her smile, is that enough just by looking at her photo?
If he misses her laugh, is that enough just by watching her video?

His legs start to feel weak and he falls to the ground.

Anyss hold herself from getting up. She has to let Jungkook cry out all of his feelings.

And Jungkook cry himself out all night.

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