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"Yn, this is Jaja, and Jaja this is our beloved Yn." Jimin introduces both of the girls.

Jaja gives her hand for a shake but Yn pulls her into a warm hug.

"I want to meet you so badly," she says excitedly.

Hobi look at both of them with a tense stare.

"Hyung, I'm hungry. Let's get something to eat."Jimin tries to take Hobi away from the girl.

Hobi shakes his head.

Again he pulls Yn from the hug.

"You told me that you're not going to hug anyone at this party?" Hobi reminds Yn about her promise just now.

"Hobi, Jaja is a girl. Don't tell me that you are also jealous of a girl?" Yn confused.

"I don't care. Let's get some food to eat." He tries to pull Yn to the buffet area.

Yn take her hands away from Hobi.

Hobi send a deep stare to Yn.

"I want to stay here with Jaja. Gentlemen, please bring the food for the ladies," she said and she ignores Hobi's stares.

"Coming right up!" Jimin reply and takes Hobi with him.

Now both Yn and Jaja are left alone.

"I got something for you." Yn gets something inside her pocket and gives it to Jaja.

Jaja looks clueless but she takes the small box from Yn.

Yn looks at her excitedly.

"Should I open it now?" Jaja tries to ask.

Yn nod her head.

Jaja opens the box and there's a ring inside.

"A ring? Is it for me?" Jaja asks about the ring

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"A ring? Is it for me?" Jaja asks about the ring.

"Yes, for you, but this is a special ring. The ring that Hobi had placed his promise on." Yn tells Jaja about the ring.


"Yes. He promises to grow old with the one who wears this ring." Yn reply with a smile.

"Who wears the ring?" Jaja repeats Yn's words because she still doesn't get the situation.

Yn still nodding her head.

"I don't get it. Why did he does the promise? And who's wear this ring when he made the promise?" Jaja asks again.

Yn bites her lower lips.

"Is he making those promises when you wear them?"

Yn nod slowly.

Jaja closes the box and gives it back to Yn but Yn put both of her hands behind her back.
She doesn't want to take it back.

"Why did you give this to me?" she again asks when Yn refuses to take the ring.

"I won't able to grow old with him Jaja so I can't keep this ring with me."

"So do I.."

"I'm sorry if I had a wrong assumption, but from the way, you care about Hobi, I can feel that you will be there for him." Yn knows everything about Jaja from Jimin.
He share his thought with her and that's why Yn came up with this idea.

Yn smile at Jaja and tries to convince her, but Yn's lips start to shake.
She feels like she had been stabbed in her heart by her own words.

"I know that you going to love him with all your hearts, maybe more than what I have for him now. But I can't force you.
If the times come and you're ready to tell him about your feelings, just wear this. He will get it.." Yn assure Jaja about the ring.

"But he only loves you Yn" Jaja doesn't want to hope for a ring to win Hobi's love.

"I know it sounds crazy but I can feel that he also got some feelings for you. You still have a chance ."

Yn wants to continue her words but suddenly she feels a cold wind start to hit her whole body.

She hissed in pain.

"Yn, is everything okay?" Jaja holds both of her shoulders.

Yn take a deep breath before she draws a smile to her.

"Just keep the ring okay. I'm sorry I had to excuse myself to the ladies." Yn starts to walk to the washroom.

"Let me come with you" Jaja tries to follow her.

Yn shakes her head.

"I'll be back. Hobi might be worried if both of us are missing." Then she leaves alone after that.

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