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"Did you have to react in that way Hobi?" Yn sounds disappointed in Hobi's action toward Jaja.

Hobi had explained to her everything that happen just now.

Hobi shakes his head, he knows he's doing wrong to Jaja.
He doesn't know why he had to act harshly and rudely to his best friend.

"You have to say sorry to her, Hobi." Yn remind Hobi.

Hobi only nods his head.
He will do that. This is the longest period they had stayed in an argument. Starting from yesterday, in the meeting room and it continues at this party today.
Usually, within a few hours, Hobi already asks for her forgiveness even though the argument starts with Jaja, and then they will get along as if nothing happens.

"And do not treat her in that way anymore. " Yn comes with a warning to Hobi.

Hobi looks into Yn's serious face.

"Did you two join some alliance or what?" He slowly runs his fingers through Yn's cheeks.

Yn smiles at him and nods her head.

"We have a thing in common," she said with a wink to Hobi.

"Mind sharing?" Hobi ask her while he looks at every inch of her face.

He doesn't know why but he misses her badly right now even though Yn is in front of his eyes.

"We are both in love with..." Yn hanging her words.

Hobi smiled and waited for her to continue the words.

"You will find out by yourself soon" she refuses to continue.

Hobi only nods his head. He just plays along with Yn.

Yn reply his with her sweetest smile and then turn her face away from Hobi.

She looks at the lakes in front of her.
Same to Jimin and Jaja, both Yn and Hobi now have their time on the other side of the lake.

Hobi moves closer to Yn and put his arms around Yn's shoulder.
Then Yn slowly tilt her head and placed it on his chest.

They stay silent for a while until Yn suddenly had a cough.

Hobi had brought a small mineral water with him, he open the lid and offer it to Yn.

After her cough calm down, she drink the water slowly.

"You look tired. Let's head back to the hospital and have a rest." Hobi gives a suggestion.

Yn shakes her head.

"I want to stay here. I want to see the sunset." Yn adjust her position like before. Resting her head on Hobi's chest.

Hobi look at his watch.

"Now it's only 4 pm, and we have to wait for another 2-3hours for the sunset. You will be tired till then Yn."Hobi tries to take Yn for a rest.

Yn suddenly hugs Hobi's waist by the side.

"I won't be tired when I'm with you."

"But if you feel tired, we will head back okay." Hobi doesn't give up.

Again she shakes her head.

"No. Please Hobi. Let me see the sunset. Even if I fall asleep, you have to watch it on my behalf." Yn raises her head to look at Hobi. She makes a big puppy eye so Hobi won't say NO to her request.

And as expected Hobi nod his head and agreed.

She laughs happily and tightens her hug.

"I love you Hobi."

Hobi smiles happily hearing the words said by Yn.

"I love you more Yn" without a doubt he replies Yn.

"Will you be with me till the last day of my life?" Yn ask him.

Hobi was shocked at hearing her sudden question. He tries to pull himself from Yn's hug, he wants to face her but Yn doesn't want to loose her hold.

"Answer me.." Yn ask softly but Hobi starts to hear her sobbing sound.

Hobi stops pulling himself, he pats her back slowly to calm her down.

"I will always be by your side until death makes us apart." Hobi give her his answer.

"Promise?" she asks Hobi.

Hobi nod and smiles at his love.

"I got something .." Yn broke the hug and takes something out from her pocket.

" Yn broke the hug and takes something out from her pocket

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She opens the box for Hobi.

"That's why you want a pocket for your dress?" Hobi laugh.
He still wondered why Yn want to have a hidden pocket for her dress and now this box gives him the answer.

Yn nods while laughing in tiny.

"Rings again? Are you obsessed with the rings Yn?" Hobi teases her.

Yn only smiled at him.

"So, what are the rings for now?" Hobi ask Yn.

"Be my fiancee.." Yn proposes Hobi.

Hobi cant hold his laugh when Yn proposes to him.

"Hobi... I'm seriously over here."
Yn protest.

Hobi takes a deep breath and tries to control his laugh and smile.

"Ok, can you please say it again?"

"Will you be my fiancee" Yn repeats her proposal.

Hobi stared at her without any reaction.


Hobi laughs again.

"Yes with all of my heart." Hobi reply.

Yn smiled happily hearing his answer.

"Great. Now let wears these rings" Yn gives a ring to Hobi and a ring for herself.

"And now we are officially engaged!" Yn announce their engagement and throw herself into Hobi's arms

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"And now we are officially engaged!" Yn announce their engagement and throw herself into Hobi's arms.

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