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"Hello. May I speak to Mr Jung?" YN start the conversation after Hobi answering her call.

'Hobi,be cool , you can handle this..'

"Yes, may i know who's on the line?" Hobi pretend to not knowing the caller.

"Morning Mr Jung, its me Yn.."

"YN? Did I know you and what brings you to me AND where did you get my number?" again he pretend not to know YN.

"I'm YN, i pair up with you during yesterday photoshoot. " her voice sounds so bright and Hobi can sense that she's smiling over there.

Hobi smile while thinking about that.

"Yes Miss Yn. Sorry I'm bad in remembering someone's name. So what can I do for you?" Hobi act cool again.

"Its okay. Well I got your number from your PA, Mr Park. He call me about the offer." Yn continue the conversation.

Hobi cant stop from smiling.

'I knew it , she wont decline my offer. Now she call me to talk again about my precious offer'

"Ok i'm listening.." Hobi replied as a sign for Yn to continue.

"Mr Jung, Thank you so much for the offer. I'm so happy for that but again, I'm so sorry because I have to decline this great offer."

"Are you calling me just to tell me this Miss Yn?" Hobi starts to feel mad, how come this girl decline his offer to make her as a main model for his collection.

"I just want you to know that I'm really sorry.." Yn start to low down her voice.

" Is there anything else you want to say? " Hobi try to call off the call.

"I'm sorry Hobi.." Yn repeat herself again.

"Ok.. Thanks for call" then Hobi hang up the call.

Hobi throw his phone to the wall and take his key then walk out from his office room.


"Ok.. Thanks for call"

YN cant hold her tears anymore. She put her phone on her chest and hold it tightly.

'why this thing happened to me.. I have to decline the offer because of this ill.'

Suddenly there's a knock on her bedroom's door. YN wipes all her tears and open the door slowly.

"Noona..." Jungkook call her name softly.

"Hei Little Bunny. Are you come to pick me up?" Yn try to force herself to smile.

"Unnie.." there's a sweet voice coming from Jungkook's back.

"Hi sweetie. Long time no see.." Yn call out the girl and give her a warm hug.

"Do you need my help , maybe for packing?" Anyss offering her help to Yn.

"No, everything is done. I had send most of my stuff to my parents and now left behind only the basic things" Yn answer with a smile.

"Are you crying just now Noona?" Jungkook start to question Yn.

Yn shake her head.

"Look at me Noona.." Jungkook ask Yn to look at his eyes cause since she open the door , she try to look away from him.

Yn just put her head down.

"I will wait for both of you inside the car."Anyss try to give a space for Jungkook and Yn.

"Thank you baby.." Jungkook say thanks to his beloved girlfriend.

"Lets take the bags to your car" Yn pass a bag to Jungkook.

Jungkook put the bag back to the floor.
Then he makes Yn to face him.

"Look at me.. and tell me , what make you cry just now?
Are you hurt? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

Yn shake her head and in a few seconds later the tears that she hold burst out slowly.

"Why it have to be me? I work hard to be in what I am today.
I have to decline everything and it changes my whole life.
I dont want to die,please Jungkook.
Why I cant have a normal life like others.. Why Jungkook.."

Jungkook pull his cousin into his arm and hug her warmly, try to make her feel better.

"Cry it out Noona.. I'm here for you.."

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