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"I have received your consent form." Jin starts the conversation.

Yn nod her head.

"One of the doctors had come to you and explained everything about the procedure isn't it?" Jin doing his confirmation.

Again Yn nods her head.

Jin inhales and exhales his hard breath.

"We have run the latest test on you, but as I had explain a few weeks ago, your cancer is growing faster than the previous one"

He looks into Yn's reaction.

She keeps on smiling and nods her hand as a sign that she acknowledges everything that Jin said.

But slowly her hands start to shake.

She knows something worse is coming.

"You know that you are already in stage 4 right?"

This time Yn nods her head with a closed eye.

"We going to do the best that we can for you Yn. We will start this chemo session a day after tomorrow." Jin continues his word.

The room turns into silence.

Suddenly a sobbing sound came from Yn.

Jin gets up from his sit and kneels in front of Yn. He wipes her tears and pats her shoulder lightly.

"I will do my best. " Jin's voice starts to shake. He will do the best for all of his patients, especially Yn.

Yn looks at Jin's face.

"It wouldn't help much isn't it?" Yn ask a question.

Jin tries to put smile.

Yn condition is getting worse and the chances of survival are getting low.

"It will help.."Jin tries to send hope to Yn. He still had his hand on Yn's cheek. He brushes her cheek softly.

With her teary eyes, Yn smiles at Jin.
She takes Jin's hand from her cheek and holds it.

"Thank you Jinnie." Yn thanks Jin.

Jin shakes his head slowly.

"Thank you because you never give up on me. Never give up to give me the best treatment and advice. "


"And thanks for loving me all this time." Yn continue her words.

Jin's eyes start to form a tear.

"You knew it?" he ask.

Yn nod slowly.

"You are too obvious Jinnie but I'm sorry. I do love you but only as my friend and my older brother," she confesses the biggest secret she had all this while.

She knows Jin had some feelings for her but she can't force herself to love him.

"I know. " Jin replies with a small laugh and a teardrop from his eyes.

"I'm sorry" again Yn asks for his forgiveness. Yn wipe the tears from Jin.

"Will Hobi kill me if I hug you?" Jin tries to joke.

Yn laughs in tiny and she opens her arm for her best friend.

Jin pulls Yn into his hug and both of them cried in each other arms.

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