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YN looks at her reflection on the mirror.
The beautiful wedding dress is fit nicely in her figure.

Sara finish her last touch up and smile widely to YN.

"You look so great in this outfit. I cant wait to see your groom reaction." she tease YN.

" 'Groom' on the set. He's not my real groom."

" But who's know, from groom on set , he will be your groom in life "

YN look at Sara teasing face. She just reply with a smile.

"It wont happened Sara." YN said the words slowly.

Sara can sense something wrong with her model who is also her bestfriend.

"You should take this chance YN, he is your first sight love. Get him and make him as the love of your life babe."

Sara knows that YN had fall in love with Hobi since she bump with him in their agency office.
Without knowing he is the owner of JH lines, she try to say 'Hi' when she saw him again in the coffee shop.

But after the spill coffee incident, she knows she doesnt have any chance to write a love story with that guy.

Eventhough she's one of the top model in the modelling line but she still feel that she's not good enough to approach her dream guy.

"I already rid off that feeling Sara. Well its just a photoshoot right, and then everything will back to normal after this." YN said to Sara and pinch her cheeks just to light up the mood.

"Its wont be that easy YN." Sara push away YN hand on her cheeek.

Their conversation being hold when someone knock the dressing room door.

"We need you in the set ladies. We will start in 10" one of the crew coming to remind them about the photoshoot.

Both of YN and Sara nod their head.

Sara help YN to walk to the set and everyone who pass by look so excited with YN appereance.

YN only reply with a smile when some of the staff teasing her.

When she reach the set, most of the crews stop their work and cheering for her teasingly. Her humble attitude always made the crews love to work with her and they work together like a family.

"YN can we start with your single shoot?" their main cameraman ask her.

YN reply with a nod and smile to him.

She's follow the cameraman instruction, work with her body and face expression and along with flash from the camera.

At the same time, the chaos set turn into silent when Hobi come into the scene.

The only sound can be heard is the cameraman voice giving the instruction and the sound of the camera.

The team who's busy with YN solo shoot doesnt aware about Hobi presence .

Hobi walk closer to the team and tap the cameraman shoulder gently.

"Hobi, you are here." he start to greet the tall and handsome man.

Hobi smile to him and they both had a bro hug.

"So you're the 'groom'?" the cameraman start to tease Hobi.

"Can i see the photo, i need to makesure that all the detail on the dress is capture as it should be" Hobi doesnt reply to the tease, the only things in his mind is the wedding dress.

Hobi look on the screen for each of the photo that had been shoot before he reach there and his eyes was fall only on the dress.

"I need you to shoot the back of the dress as well" Hobi start to give the instruction.

All the teams nod together includes YN and she turn her back to the camera. Sara came to the set to help Yn realign the dress.

Hobi still at the screen area , monitoring the result of the shoot.
Untill the 5th shoots he ask for a stop.

" Hold a sec, " he said and start to walk to the model.

YN start to feel uneasy but she still stand like before, give her back to the camera.

She can feel Hobi body that came nearer to her and he had his eyes on her back.

"I'm sorry, may i know your name" Hobi ask her politely.

"Y..N.."she answer in a shakes voice.

"Miss YN, i need to fix some of the details in your shoulder and your waist, may i?" again he ask for her permission before he put his hand on.

YN nod as an aswer.

"I'm sorry but its just going to take a few minutes only" he whisper to her and start to fix and realign the dress on her shoulder.

Few minutes later he moves his hand to the waist but due to shock and a sudden tingle raised over her body, YN lose her balances and almost fall from her heels.

Hobi grabs and pull her waist closer to him, in a help to give a support to YN.

But in the crews point of view, its look likeObi is giving a back hug to YN.

"Do you need a rest miss?" this time there a worried tone in Hobi voice.

YN just shake her head and she pull out Hobi's hand from her waist slowly.
Hobi who just realised that he still hug someone waist , remove his hands immediately.

Hobi check for the details one more time and he ask the team to resume the photoshoot.

He then leave the set and walk to the dressing room for a peace of mind.

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