Chapter 2: Control your horny

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"Day one and the first thing your roommate does is trigger your urge to fuck

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"Day one and the first thing your roommate does is trigger your urge to fuck." Yoongi laments, eyes trained on Jungkook who sat on the floor along with the other, just outside both their dorms, in the corridor. With a tissue pressed up against his nose.

"Hyung you know I'm not gay." He retorts, dabbing under his nose a last time before crumbling the blood-stained paper and putting it aside.

"Boy, you just had a nose-bleed after seeing another man naked." Yoongi bleats plainly.

"That's just because I haven't fucked anyone since a long time, any naked scene makes me— go fucking insane." Jungkook justifies himself.

"Seriously? How long has it been? 2 weeks?" Yoongi scoffs.

"You know how it is for me."

"I know, trust me. But no one knows it better than Park Jimin." He adds on with his signature cocky smirk.

"What do you mean?"


Yoongi really wants the other suffer by how clueless he was.

"And did I forget to tell you how the first impression he left on me was that his bedsheet was on the floor with a load of cum-stains?"

Yoongi snorts.

"You don't look surprised." Jungkook notes.

"Yes I don't."

Feeling defeated he just shrugs it off, silence prevailed for a second more before he brings his attention back to the older.

"Did your roommate throw you out the room too?" He asks.

Yoongi just blinks blankly.

"No, I just needed a drink." He prompts.

"Is he really that bad?" Jungkook smiles, but Yoongi frowns in return, thinking hard.

"No. He isn't exactly bad. He's just too— How do I say this? He's too bright and loud. I'm not used to it."

Jungkook nods, understanding the other's reserved attitude.

"Now won't your roommate be done dressing up? I mean it's been half an hour since you—"

"Since my nose bled? I know, I'm never going to live it down now am I?" Jungkook grouses, getting to his feet with a loud breath.

"You sure aren't." Yoongi retorts, standing along.

"I'm going to be out here for a while so tell me if you need a drink okay?"

"Yeah, sure." Jungkook mumbles, glancing at the older who turns to walk away and brings his attention to his dorm door.

He knocks on it.

"I'm too lazy to open the door! It's open!" Jimin shouts from the other side.

Jungkook edgily swings open the door, only to watch the other's bright owlish eyes tame into one of less enthusiasm as their meet eyes.

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