Chapter 10: Rage, anger, loathe.

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It was about 6pm when Jungkook had stepped out of the gym, having completed his originally planned workout routine after a long while, he was fresh out of the showers from the locker-room, yet his shoulders sagged, having over-exerted himself.

To tame all the energy that was bubbling inside him ever since he's laid eyes upon his roommate.

He isn't absolutely sure whether it's working yet.

He makes his way silently to his dorm room, finding it locked from the inside when he jiggles the knob, which was a rare occurrence considering that Park Jimin could could never care less even if a stranger barges in only to meet the silver-haired boys half-naked ass and four fingers stuck up his ass.

So he knocks on it loud, feeling unwanted irritation crawling up into him.

No response.

He can hear movement inside but no response.

Jungkook now bangs his fist against wooden surface, causing the door to rattle gently.

"Park open up! I don't have whole day!"

He can hear more shuffling and muffled footsteps so he backs off, assuming the latter had finally taken the initiative to open the door.

But it's not Jimin who opens the door.

It's that man. Taller, fox-like stern eyes, dimples, 90% only chest, the BDSM- no. The ex-boyfriend.

Kim Namjoon.

His face looks begrudged and vexed, opening the door wider, looking down at Jungkook who in any situation had not expected to meet the man in such circumstances. His jaw clenches intimidatingly as he maintains a heavy gaze, stepping out in his perfectly crisp button-up pushing shoulders past Jungkook, never exchanging a word.

The ravenette just let's it happen silently, just too dense to understand the situation.

Jungkook steps into the dorm room, he peeks in and watches Jimin standing there at the center of the room, his fists clenched on either sides, head hung low and shoulders drooped.

Jimin notices the other's presence eyes darting quick to lock with the other's.

Watery, bleary, helpless eyes, swollen lips.

Jimin looks away, wiping his tears off on his arm as he turns away from Jungkook.


The other sniffles quietly, refusing to look at the other again.

Oh Jungkook's mad.

He's so mad.

"Why was he here?" He questions, striding towards the other, he holds the petite male by his arm, swirling him to face the other as he shakes his frame.

"Why. the. fuck. was. here?" He growls low. Jimin still refuses to open his mouth, eyes just blankly trained on Jungkook's feral ones.

"Why are you crying? What did he say to you?" Jungkook's tone turns raspy in frustration, eyebrows furrowing when Jimin just breaks into a sob.

Jungkook let's go of the bruising grip off the other's arm.

He's- He's never seen his roommate like this.

So vulnerable, so delicate, as if the world had done the cruelest thing to his soul.

It wasn't the confident, haughty, cocky Jimin.

His eyes glowered differently.

It's causing Jungkook's stomach to churn with anger.

What could Namjoon have possibly said to him that affected his roommate so drastically?

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