Chapter 20: Make it right

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Jimin moans in protest, his hips bucking against the ravenette's own, Jungkook let's go of the bruising grip on the other's wrist, only for the other to push him away, shoving the other's larger frame off him.

They just stare at each other, gaze drowning in anger, hot heavy puffs leaving their lips.

"Fuck off." Jimin spits, venom laced onto his voice.

He storms out, ignoring the other's frustrated groan as he does.

Jungkook's mad now.

Mad and horny.


He scratches his head, annoyance evident on his handsome features as he too makes his mind to step out the washroom, only to bump shoulders against a very familar man.

Jungkook would at such situation, completely ignore whoever had bumped into him, but the man, slightly taller in build blocks his path.

He looks up to throw a glare at the stranger.

It's Namjoon.

"You." Jungkook frowns.

"Yeah, me."

The first time the latter had directly said something to him.

Jungkook was already seeping in fury, and the other's presence was like breaking the dam of his limit.

He lunges towards the other, without another word, landing a punch right on the other's face.

Namjoon stumbles back with a shocked groan, now the duo were in the corridor, and the loud noise of pain had definitely attracted unnecessary attention.

Jungkook makes sure to walk up to the other till he's in his private space, chest puffing out, asserting his dominance despite him being slightly shorter, he stood tall, looking the other down with all negative emotions that were pooled in his mind.

He whispers in secrecy.

"That was for touching Jimin that day."

Expectedly, the other's hand fist onto the collar of his top, growling.

"Who're you to even lay a hand on me for that whore."

That struck a bunch of nerves.

Jungkook scoffs loud, unaffected by the students that crowded around them, he shoves the other rudely.

"Never say that again. Might cut your tongue off." He snarls, only slightly aware of the number of people who gasp, delighted by the scene infront of him.

"You have no idea what I am do you?" Namjoon laughs out, but it's nowhere pleasant, it's unsettling, his fox-like eyes tensing and jaws clenching.

"I know what you are for making someone like him leave you. You're a stupid, dumb, loser."

Jungkook's eyes twitch on seeing the other's face remain unchanged, as if he was dealing with a five-year kid.

"Awh, are you upset I made your little crush cry?"

Jungkook tries not to let those words get into his head, not backing off as the other advances torturously slow towards him.

And then Namjoon punches him.

Jungkook's head spins from the blow as he stumbles back, catching himself up before he could land on the floor, tensing with the number of people who let out sounds of shock and amusement.

"Don't try acting like some tough shit in front of me kid. Especially not for that slut."

That's it.

Jungkook makes an animalistic noise as he tackles the other onto his force, forcing the other down against the floor with a louder thud, adrenalline pumping through his blood stream.

He punches the other once, the again, and again and again.

But Namjoon recovers quick, flipping the other over so that he sits on top of him now, mirroring the exact same actions that Jungkook had done, landing one punch on his face over another, with no mercy.


The ravenette can never fail to distinguish that voice from the roaring crowd.

Namjoon freezes, and Jungkook breathes out in relief as the other immediately gets off.

Jimin rushes towards Jungkook, the taller male sitting up and getting to his feat as effortlessly as he can make it look, feeling completely down.

One look into Jimin's eyes and a nausea runs through him.

He's familiar with that expression.


Yet, the petite male holds the other by his wrist.

"Come with me." He mumbles, voice low.

The ravenette doesn't revolt, just throws a last glare at Namjoon before letting the other drag him away from the suffocating crowd.

"Don't you have classes right now?" Jungkook asks, his voice rough right now but it still comes off as decent.

"I did." Jimin says, letting go off the other's hand as they continue walking. "But someone was making such an issue that everyone came to me and said—" Now he suddenly turns and snaps. " Oh Jimin! Your roommate is throwing hands at your ex-boyfriend!"

Jungkook hands his head low, sighing tiredly.

"Look, he was talking bullshit about you—"

"How does that matter to you!" Jimin snaps, he looks genuinely exhausted.

"It's me who he's talking about not you! Why do you keep causing such trouble!"

It's cause I care for you!

I don't really like you but I care so fucking much!

I don't want anyone near you!

Jungkook just let's a taunting silence prevail.

"Your face looks bruised." Jimin mutters suddenly, eyes softening down with worry. "Come with me, let's go to the nurse." 

"But you have classes—"

"You made me skip them, I'm not going, this is just gonna save me the embarassment of getting bombarded with question of being late." Jimin retorts blankly, mind set to take the other to the medical room.

Jungkook purses his lips.

"Thank you."

Jimin seems unamused.

"Nah, fuck you, I'm still mad at you. There's a lot we need to talk about right now."

"Yeah, right. Okay."

The walk to the nurse is dead silent, but Jungkook doesn't mind it, atleast it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable.

The nurse seemed to look like the walking dead. Already heaving put up with enough lame bullshit since the morning she dismisses Jungkook real quick, assuring that it's nothing serious and hands him a cheap standard ice pack.

"Are you gonna go back to class right now?" Jungkook probes, a part of him wanting him to leave so that he doesn't have to deal with the other's anger and the other more sensible part of him wanting to make things right.

"No, we Jeon, are going back to the dorms. As I said, we have things that we need to clear out."

Jungkook nods absently.

So making it right it was.


Yeah so Namjoon and jk fought. And that's kinda cute don't ya think?

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