Chapter 42: C'mere

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His feet grow unsteady, and he finds himself stumbling back till the back of his legs hit the edge of the bed, and he plops down pliantly. Terror licking his insides as the heavy footsteps grow louder, and it horrifies Jimin to know that there aren't only one pair of footsteps.

The door opens and Jimin looks down in shame the moment he get's one glance of those inhumane hungry eyes.

"Oh Jiminie." Byung-hoon croons, and behind him emerge two more friends, all sharing the same sense of lust and cruelty in them.

"College has changed you hasn't it?"

"I know right, look at you."

Their eyes rake over him with wrong intentions. It's absolutely disturbing to hear the words come out so low and husky, it makes Jimin's thighs shut close tighter in disgust.

"Uncle. Please don't do anything to me. Let me go." He pleads, eyes darting to the trio of darkened glazy eyes, a smothering smoke of exstinguished hope flickering in his distraught eyes.

"Let you go? We did when you went to college."

"And look what happened when we did."

"Afterall, we should've known our little one like it up the ass."

Jimin's eyes turn glassy with tears again, the nickname that rolled off the man's tongue weakened his will and spirit, it pulled him down to a dystopian abode he never needed to experience it again.

"Don't touch me, please." He begins urgently when they collectively shuffle closer, looking down at him as if he was just filthy dirt, and maybe he was.

"Oh we couldn't stop thinking about you under us like that ever since we saw that video of you."

"Who was in that video though, the man for whom you moaned so so loud?"

"Such a slut aren't you little one? Was that your boyfriend?"

Jimin leans back the closer they step, and he's desperately pushing himself further back into the bed, the merciless words pierce his mind and numb his ears, breathing ragged, hands fisting into the sheets.

Byung-hoon leans in closer to Jimin, a hand pressed against the mattress.

"Our little one's all grown up now isn't he?" He licks his lips, eyes glimmering with wrong intentions.

"Will your boyfriend be okay if we ruin you for him?"

Oh Jungkook.

Jimin breaks into a pitiful cry, which switches into an alarmed gasp when one of them grab his thighs, holding him down, and another climbs onto the bed, Byung-hoon crawling over him.

Jimin shrieks, kicking his legs up and arms scrambling to back off, all air knocked out of his lungs as he's pushed down flat against the bed with immense force.

"Don't! Y-You can't do this to me!" He screams in dread, writhing around, fists clenched, his hips buckle up to try disbalance the man that stayed mounted on him. But it only seemed to please the older, cause he groans gutterally.

"So impatient. Oh I can't wait to feel you."

Tears cascade down his cheeks as he throws his body around, making it harder for the men to pin him own.

"Dad! Help—"

A large rough hand presses against his mouth to muffle the pleas of help that escaped his mouth. Jimin shakes his head, making the hand slip slightly before he bites hard on the palm.

Byung-hoon curses in pain retracting his hand, a raging fire igniting the older man's eyes, his teeth grit as he wraps his other hand around the other's delicate neck.

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