Chapter 9: Grumpy bunny

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"Look at you both! Helping each other out! Good work Jimin!" The instructor cheers on, watching the duo precariously. The silver-haired male just smiles back, eyes twinkling.

"Come on Jeon. You can do it. Spread your legs." Jimin cooes, knowing how suggestive the words come off.

"The only person who'll be spreading legs is you pretty, and you know it all too well." Jungkook snaps with an agitated rasp, but it only makes the other giggle all bashfully.

"You're just waiting for me to spread my legs for you, aren't you?"

Jimin then stands up from his current position, and presses his palms flat against the other's back pressing him down, forcing him to touch his head down against the floor.

But Jungkook only wishes he was that flexible.

"Ow! God stop!" Jungkook groans when the other practically applies all the force his small body could muster up to force him down. He then retracts his palm with a frustrated huff.

"We have a lot to work on Jungkook." He says, frowning and loud enough for everyone around to hear, purposefully discrediting him.

And Jungkook just wants to punch the other's small stupidly gorgeous face for humiliating him like that, eyes darting to glare at anyone who's gaze falls on him judgingly.

"Now students, let's try the side splits!"

Fuck. My. Life.

Now Jungkook would've just look stupid if he even tries.

But Jimin?

He just giddily does a dramatic spin to get in front of Jungkook back again.

"Watch and learn Jungkook-ssi." Jimin sneers, he parts his legs just a bit.

And just fucking slides down into a side split, effortlessly, sexily even you could say.

"Fuck." Jungkook couldn't help but let the words out, a few of the students around snap their head at the sound of the ravenette curse.

But like...fuck.

Jungkook's mentally in agony, wishing the latter would wear tighter clothes so that he could see better of the other's curves. A definitely perverted thought not that Jimin would ever mind would he?

"Now you're turn." Jimin encourages.

"I'm not making a fool of myself, thanks." Jungkook grumbled, ignoring how daintily Jimin get's up back on his feet.

"Why? Give it a try atleast." The shorter muses.

"I won't."


"Now let's do a few more basics before wrapping it up for today!" The instructor sounds loudly, and even though Jimin doesn't voice anything Jungkook's stringing annoyed curses under his breath.

It all sucks.


"Anyone can just have one look at your face and say that you're heavily sexually frustrated and it shows." Yoongi taunts, sipping on his daily dose of caffeine, the duo were seated in the cafeteria amongst the chattering ruckus of the campus.

"I know, my roommate's not making it any easier." Jungkook grouses, eyes dim and bored.

"I wish I could tell you to go get laid how usually friends do but I don't think it's ideal in cases like yours." Yoongi mumbles.

"I think I should fuck it all and just go fo-"

"Yoongs! Hey!"

Jungkook's interrupted by a squealing and enthusiastic voice.

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