Chapter 11: Monster

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Jimin inhales shakily, teeth sinking on his bottom lips to hide the small smile that morphed into his face.

"Then do it loser, man up and kiss me."

Jungkook tsks, strong veiny arms embracing Jimin's waist tightly, slotting them closer. Then he pushes Jimin along with himself, guiding him against the wall, hovering above the smaller's frame, tongue running against his lips as his eyes gaze into the other's with confliction, yet hungry.

"Why? Why do you keep doing this?" The ravenette breathes out, tilting his head to the side with a frown.

"Doing what?" 

Jungkook's hands slip lower, trailing down the other's back until it's resting against the other's ass.

"Whatever you're doing— this— this teasing. The fucking seduction damnit." He growls lowly, his breath mingling with Jimin's own as he continues.

"Why me? You've got so many men around you just waiting to—"

"They're not what you are Jungkook." Jimin laughs out, enticingly soft as he licks his plump lips.

"Do you even know things I've heard about you? I've heard the girls squeal about how you've fucked them till they cry. They whisper around about you so often I wondered how good you are. They say such stuff that sometimes sounds ridiculous."

Jungkook's fascinated by the look that Jimin gives him, the look of curiosity.

Curiosity to sin.

"What do they say?" He asks, smug.

"They say you're a beast in bed." Jimin's breath paces faster. "I just want to see how much of beast you are really."

Jungkook gropes the other's ass, squeezing the voluminous flesh in his hands, earning a delightful gasp from the other, back arching to press harder against the other's chest. He let's his lips ghost against Jimin's ears.

"Enough of a beast to ruin a beauty like you."

Jimin fucking whimpers hands clutching onto the other's shoulders. 

But Jungkook pulls the other's hands off him, trapping his wrists with his own above his head, his tattooed arm pinning him against the wall completely.

"Why are you holding back then? Ruin me. Tiny dick." Jimin chuckles breathlessly, ignoring how arousal had dizzied his mind.

"All that you've heard, and you've never heard how ruthless I am? Aren't you scared?" Jungkook questions huskily, watching Jimin abuse his bottom lip with his teeth.

"I'm not, and that's cause I'm ruthless too. Have you forgotten what I am Jungkook? I am what you are. A fucking sex addict." The words slip like venom yet sweet, convincing Jungkook that he further had nothing to hold back from.

"You don't know me Park, but can I just warn you? If you lure me in once, you can't snap me out of it."

Jimin can't.

He possible won't be able to tame the animallistic lust he had for the other's body.

It would never die down, possibly grow worse.

"I'm willing to take this risks if that means you dick me down rough and good."

"Of course." Jungkook smirks, freeing the other off his hold as he steps back, further back until he stumbles to the edge of the bed and sits, gaze lazily roaming over Jimin.

"Strip." He asserts roughly, leaning back, supporting himself the mattress, hands pinned down, manspreading.

"Curropt me once and for all Jimin."

Jimin's more than willing to.

He strips of his top, letting his flushed pale body expose in front of the other, maintaining the heavy gaze.

Jungkook had caught a glimpse of the other's tattoo on the very first day they'd met, but today he could stare at it all he wants, stare at the velevety-inked skin shamelessly.


Of course that's his fucking motto.

"Your tattoos." Jungkook breathes out in arousal.

"There's more of where that came from."

Jimin turns around.

Jungkook saw the fucking stars.

And the moons tattooed against the delicate back.

"Hot. You're so hot for doing that." He rasps, mouth watering yet throat dry.

Jimin just giggles indifferently, he faces the other and continues to pull down his trackpants and panties, letting them drop to his knees.

"Fuck Jimin."

There he was.

Completely naked.

Nothing but the tattoos adorning his body.

Like day-1.

Except today, he let's his eyes rake down and up the other's body, training them on ever curve and crevice of the other's body, ghosting over every flaw that was just a turn on in and out, the pit of his stomach burning with desire the more he stares. His cock tight in his pants.

Jungkook stands up and jerks the other by his wrist, pulling him so harshly that he stumbles to the bed.

Then he mindlessly throws Jimin into the mattress, letting him fall and bounce against the mattress with a gasp of surprise.

Then he stares down like a hungry animal.

"Make me cry Jeon?" Jimin asks, challenge yet desperateness laced into his lusted voice. Watching the dominant strip off his shirt in hurry, watching muscles flexing along with his abs, his sweaty tanned skin and tattoos complete eye-candy for Jimin.

"Make you cry?" Jungkook laughs, an unfamiliar cockiness soothing his voice that makes Jimin shudder, more restless.

He strips down his boxers and fuck.

Jimin bit his lips to bite back a loud embarrassing moan.

That man's huge.

He's so huge.

And no matter how many times Jimin blinks his hooded eyes he can't get over the fact that that's real.

Jungkook climbs on top of the other, hovering above him, strong arms on each side, and sticky hair falling over his raven eyes.

"I'll make you cry baby, for sure. But I'll do that and more." He rasps against his skin with a vile smile, shamelessly brushing his veiny cock between the other's bare thighs.

Teasing him.

Jimin bucks his hip slightly, feeling violated as Jungkook pushes his him back down, his large hand pressed flat against the other's toned stomach.

Jimin whines.

"You're a fucking monster Jungkook."


Double update I'm GOD OKAY?

Now after this chapter i promise. Its just 3 things. Smut, smut and horny.

Ik y'all r waiting for it.

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