Chapter 34: Let them watch

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"Hurry, hurry." Jimin whispers under his breath as Jungkook's larger hand circles around his dainty wrists, pulling them out of the crowd, the ravenette strides across the venue, his grip tightening with eagerness as he drags Jimin out along with him.

The air outside is oddly cooler and Jimin shivers wholly, they're practically running to the parking lot. Skidding past other equally expensive cars, Jungkook unlocks his own, he harshly swings open the backseat door, reclining the seats till they're almost completely flat before throwing Jimin in. His thigh's straddle the other's own as he lets the door close shut, it was crazy congested for two adult males but they could barely care.

"They'll see." Jimin pants out as the other's cold hand slips under his shirt, feeling him all over, skin on fire. 

"People— they'll pass by and see. Us. Like this." He exhales, struggling to contain his voice as the ravenette's finger tips brush against his nipple, he jerks slightly as the other traps it between the pad of his thumb and and index finger, twisting on them.


"Let them see." Jungkook husks out, leaning in, breath ghosting over the other's exposed cleavage. 

"Let them see it all." He murmurs against the other's skin, and Jimin has to stop from letting his eyes roll back from just the words.

"Let them see how good I fuck you up." 

This was risky.

Oh but how it turned Park Jimin on.

Always a bit of a exhibitionist.

"Shit." He mewls, his shirt riding up, Jungkook's hand's feeling him up everywhere as he grinds down onto him, rough eager thrusts, rocking his hips back and forth punishingly. His own hands travel up against the other's chest, wobbly as he tries to unbutton them, eyes hungry to feast on the other's sculpted chest.

"Shh." Jungkook hushes him, undoing the other's pants hurriedly pulling them down with great struggle.

"You can't be so loud princess." He laughs breathlessly, slipping his own pants off his waistband, taking a peak from the clear windows precariously.

"Or they'll all be crowding here, watching your slutty ass get fucked." He chortles, gripping the other's thighs and spreading them apart with the same familiar ease.

"I'm very loud though." Jimin huffs out, biting his bottom lip harshly as he feels the other's fingers circle the rim of his hole, teasing it.

"Oh I'll shut you up don't worry." The dominant smiles smugly, leaning in to easily attach his lips with the other, into a slower dirty kiss. Jimin gasps into the other's mouth, feeling the other's fingers reach inside of him, curling in and out with such ease.

By now, Jungkook was aware of every part of Jimin's body, just where and how to please, every single freckle on his body, and he took pride in knowing it all.

His fingers continues thrusting in with his finger's, his own hips stuttering, loosing his patience, eyebrows furrowing as the other's moans into his mouth, the dominant swallowing every filthy sound with deep desire.

This was so crazy for Jungkook.

He barely fucked anyone more than once.

And here he is, wanting to fuck Jimin again and again, knowing he'll never get tired of him.

The eagerness for soaking in the insanity that is Park Jimin, will never die down.

Jungkook slowly parts, breath heavy and eyes fixated over the others, dark lashes fluttering.

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