Chapter 43: Is this love?

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"Talk to me princess."

Jimin winces at the sudden words, he had been silently lost in thought the whole time he sat in Jungkook's car, they were now driving away from Busan, but his mind still stuck in that very filthy place.

"You're being awfully quiet, I don't like it."

"Sorry I'm just— It's all a lot for me."

"Let's get your mind out there, it's over, you won't ever have to see those bastard's face again. And no matter how much you refuse I'm sponsoring your studies. Don't ever go back to Busan."

Jimin wants to argue about that.

But he doesn't have the strength to, just sighing tiredly instead.

"It's never going to be the same Gukk. I'm ruined...We're ruined." He mumbles dejectedly, close his eyes and leaning his head back, and he could imagine how deep Jungkook frowning with tone he was speaking in.

"Hey don't say that. We're not ruined. Taehyung's deleted that shit from the school feed."

Jimin laughs out a bit brokenly.

"Jeon, what once steps into the internet, always stays there, it's never deleted, watch it recirculating in the school a few times every year. I can't live with that."

Jungkook is not even close to giving hope.

"Lets change colleges."

"Do you think such videos would not have circulated to other colleges?"

"Let's change countries."

The silver-haired male can't help but stiffle a laugh.

"You're being ridiculous."

"I'm not, lets go out, international universities are always there."

Jimin scoffs humorously again, mixed with a chuckle of disbelief.

"Do you hear yourself Jeon? You're insane. Anyway, you don't need to change countries just cause I'm being a pussy."

"Oh, but I'm ready to go anywhere as long as it's with you."


Jungkook's tongue slipped.

The tip of his ears go comically red and so does Jimin's cheeks.

"Actually. M-Me too." The platinum boy admits, cheeks flushing a darker shade when the ravenette's eyebrows raise, pleased.

The silence after is a bit awkward.

Until Jungkook pulls up into a drive through.

Jimin blinks blankly. "Big Mac and coke?" He questions.


The shorter has to refrain from smiling wild, already having missed Jungkook and his habit of spoiling.

"You love spoiling me don't you?"

"What?" Jungkook laughs. "I'm merely just taking care of you."

Is this love? 

This warmth blooming in his chest to know how domestic they were being.

"Taking care of me." He can't help but emphasise fondly, making Jungkook look away shyly. Jimin squints his eyes at that, staring at the ravenette, daring him to look back into his eyes but he never does.

Only blushes harder.

"Wait is fuckboy Jeon shy now?"

"No I'm not." Jungkook refuses, and as he says that he knows those are just words for the sake of it, cause he still refuses to meet eyes with the other.

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