Chapter 4: Cupid

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Beads of sweat rolled off the nape of Jimin's neck, drenching his shirt, silver hair irritably stuck on his forehead, as he spun and stopped, popping and locking his joints on beat, letting his fluidity reflect in his dance

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Beads of sweat rolled off the nape of Jimin's neck, drenching his shirt, silver hair irritably stuck on his forehead, as he spun and stopped, popping and locking his joints on beat, letting his fluidity reflect in his dance.

He enjoyed the way the music carried him, swaying his body around, remembering the choreography without a thought, his body remembered it, it just knew how to move.

He decides to take a risk, enjoying the eyes of awe and admiration on him, he launches himself into an effortless tumble, landing on his feet with a beautiful spin.

He hears loud impressed gasps, the smirk on his lips stretching wider.

"That was perfectly done Jimin!" The instructor applauded, his classmates letting out noises of agreement.

All his classmates except one.

That one man, with a dimming smile and cocky eyes standing against the wall, eyeing him out brutishly through the raven hair that kept falling over his eyes. Yet gaze unimpressed.

Grrr. Jimin's not getting the attention he wanted.

"Okay guys! I'm willing to say Jimin has shown you a demo of our next piece! We'll begin practicing tomorrow brief yourself by the morning. That was it for today." The dance instructor concludes, the other's sighing relief as they advance in groups to give themselves some time to rest.

There was about half an hour left for the next class, plenty time.

Jimin gives a glance towards Jungkook again, he wasn't even looking at him anymore, how annoying.

Jimin hates people who are too full of themselves.

He decides he wasn't gonna impress anymore.

Only depress ;)

Hoseok's leaning against the wall too, not too far away from Jungkook, breathless as he swallows water down hard.

Jimin walks towards him, taking swaying ballerina steps. Hoseok notes the other's movement towards him, eyes travelling up and down the other's frame real quick.

"Shit Jimin, you're sweating a river." He laughs, but it wasn't a playful one.

More like, I like the way your  white shirt is sticking to your curvy figure laugh.

"It's just too hot." Jimin chortles along, taking another step closer.

From the corner of his eyes, he can feel Jungkook's gaze burning through him.

"I can cool you down." Hoseok proposes, Jimin reading the hint of lust in the other's words with delight.

"I'm afraid you'll just raise the temperature. But I'm not complaining." Jimin smiles impatiently, eyes all sparkly by just the thought of getting dicked down after getting cock-blocked because of his roommate last night.

"We have 20 minutes, boy's washroom, let's go." Hoseok prompts.

Jungkook scoffs, having heard the entire conversation. Jaws clenching in rage as he watches the duo rush out.

He rolls his eyes, feeling vexed, it's so unfair, he misses his times, when he used to fuck around whenever he wanted, in public too even, shameless, like an animal.

And now when he was trying to pull out the better of him. Park Jimin's rude behavior and mere presence had to take him to the edge.

He picks up his bag, slinging it over his shoulder, his empty bottle clutched tight on the other hand as he walks out, making his way to the next class, determined not to let the thought of Jimin and Hoseok roam his mind.

The thought that he should've been there in place of Hoseok, dicking down Jimin.

He's glad that his next class is with Yoongi. The older more or less always manages to keep him distracted.

"Boy why the fuck do you look like you're about to—"

"Commit murder? Maybe I am." Jungkook growls, sitting beside the senior with a huff.

"No. You look like you wanna grab Park Jimin's ass and give him a few spanks for teasing your non-gay ass."

Jungkook's mouth shuts close.

He just stares at the other wordless.

"How do you even know— I mean— Your accurate description makes it look like you—" Jungkook pauses with a gasp mid-sentence.

Realisation flooding all over his face.

"Hyung don't tell me you've fucked Park."

The other pulls on his signature smirk.

"I did."

Jungkook let's out a scoff of humorless disbelief.

"Of course you did. He's literally whoring around with every single classmate of mine and I had no fucking idea?" He rants, nostrils flaring.

"He's not whoring around kid, say that one more time I won't hesitate to amputate your dick." Yoongi snarls, slightly offended by the other's words. Despite the fact that the empty threat made him shudder he rebels.

"Oh sorry he isn't, he's just sexually pleasing every fucking man in this college for a respectable beautiful reputation—"

"Your's isn't any better and you know that."

Defeated silence.

Well it was true.

"But I'm trying to change." He refuses with a sulk, shoulders sagging as he frowns with his doe eyes.

"I'm betting you whatever I have. A week and you'll lose control, and not in hands of a horny girl, but Park Jimin himself." Yoongi chortles. But Jungkook doesn't find that funny.

"I don't fuck boys."

"But you want to, don't you?"

Yes, he does.

But he can't risk, letting the gossiping crowd of college spread the word that he's gay to his parents.

They'll fucking demolish anything and everything he has.

So he just sighs in response, letting the frustration contort his attractive facial features. Yoongi just laughs almost inaudibly, patting the other on his back.

"Loosen up boy, everyone has that stage of denial in life."

Only if you knew hyung, I was never in denial.

"Nah, I'm just feeling very low. I miss feeling high." The ravenette whines in whispers.

"Just high or do you mean dick high and deep in someone's ass?" Yoongi raises an eyebrows, it makes the other smile.

"Yeah, both ways."

"You can then, us seniors have arranged a party for the freshers down the dorms, you can loosen up with some drinks."

Jungkook grumbles something incoherent under his breath.

"Will Park be there?" He probes expectantly, Yoongi finds the other's questioning baseless.

"Why are you so worried and bothered by him when you're not even gonna fuck him?" He retorts back.

"Fair. Okay fine, I'll be there." Jungkook exhales, heart fluttering with the mere thought of, sex.

No, he shouldn't, he should control his urges.

"That's my boy." Yoongi smiles, knowing what kinds of disasters Jimin and Jungkook will possibly create in the presence of each other.

He loves playing cupid.


Baby only of you knew how much i appreciate the commenters

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