Chapter 17: Hungry

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"Do you want me to leave?" Taehyung asks, sensing the other's internal confliction. The other purses his lips, eyes gentle as he nods.

"Yeah I think you should."

"If you say so." The brunette sighs, clearly disappointed, but he remains silent, climbing off the bed, observing the other who fiddles with the hem of his shirt nervously.

"What are you so nervous about?" He scoffs, not liking the way the other behaved.

"It's nothing— He's— He's just—"

"I'm gonna say this again Jimin." The other deadpans. "He's not your fucking boyfriend, and has no right to dick around or judge for anything you do with anyone else." 

"I know, I know." Jimin mumbles, though he doesn't look like it, making the other give up, Taehyung makes his way to the door opening it.

"Later Jimin."


A few seconds skip and the door is opening once again.

So Jungkook was standing right outside the whole while cause now he's peeking inside, face unreadable.

Does Jimin say something?

Or will Jungkoook?

He just sits their awkwardly, legs crossed, discreetly eying the other out.

Jungkook doesn't say anything, just continues standing there and that makes the silvery boy anxious.

"Let's...Eat together?" The petite male asks indifferently, and the silence suffocates him more than anything.

"Yeah." Jungkook finally says. Though the smaller has hung his head low he can figure that the other was moving towards him, along with the packet of food.

Now he sits on the edge of the bed, maintaining a certain distance, too far for Jimin's liking.

The lack of words between them is killing Jimin.

"So about Taehyung—"

"You don't need to say anything Park." Jungkook exhales, he looks tired, done, and oddly calm.

"But you look mad."

"I'm not, you can do whatever the fuck you want, I won't say anything, I don't mind it."

Such a horrible lie.

A blatant lie.

Jungkook knows he minds it lot, more than he'd like it.

"You still sound mad." Jimin mumbles, and the other sighs heavily.

"Okay fine, I just don't like sharing okay? It has nothing to do with you, it's just a complex, I don't really care, you can go ride Taehyung's dick for all I care."

Jimin raises an eyebrow up, amused, gaining back his lost confidence.

"When did I ever say anything about Taehyung fucking me?"

Well that seemed to trigger the ravenette.

"He was literally on top of you and you're—"

He then groans.

"Whatever Jimin, take it as a metaphor for you whoring around if you wish."

"I'm hungry." Jimin retorts blankly, snatching the packet of food from the other's hand indifferently.

"Hey easy there kitten." Jungkook laughs, snatching back the packet back from the other.

Jimin pouts.

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