Chapter 5: Who was he?

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Mood lights flicker and fade slowly in various shades of auburn, red and magenta, the digital rays falling over the Raven males tall frame, making him look more lusted than he aimed as he steps into the core of the party

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Mood lights flicker and fade slowly in various shades of auburn, red and magenta, the digital rays falling over the Raven males tall frame, making him look more lusted than he aimed as he steps into the core of the party.

Given that the party was for the freshers, there was absolutely no familiar face amongst the crowd of dancing men and women, some grinding against the other in all secrecy.

The familiar smell of alcohol and sweat burnt through his nostrils, dizzy already, he missed it too much. He admired the identical dim atmosphere to any night club and the selection of music that doesn't just want to make you dance, but seduce as well.

Perfect thing for college newbies.

Jungkook laughs to himself at the irony.

He makes his way to the Pantry, a table flooded with untouched bottles of alcohol waiting for his consumption. He eyes them out eagerly, amongst all the cheap brands he found about a dozen of them apart on the other edge of the table, quite expensive compared to the rest.

His tattooed arms instictively reach to grab one of them, but someone's already beating him to it.

"It's mine!" The oddly familiar voice squeaks, a smaller arm guarding the bottles, Jungkook can't help but notice the 13 tattooed on the pale skin of his wrist all of a sudden. His eyes now snap to his face.

Jungkook's heart does a weird bad flip, Park Jimin's owlish hooded eyes staring back at him precariously.

"It's everyone's party. You don't own anything here." Jungkook backs with a rasp, arms reaching to grab a bottle but Jimin's stubborn, pushing away the other's arm with a noise of rage.

"I said don't, these are reserved, mine only." Jimin snarls, stepping forward a step, trying to look taller.

"Prove it." Jungkook snaps back, eyes squinting in irritation, he really had no time to mess around.

Jimin looks like he was about to explode into a nasty strings of curses but a third man taps his shoulder and he turns around immediately.

"Hey sexy." 

Jimin might've not been affected at all, but Jungkook cringed real real hard.

"Namjoon." Jimin says, eyes turning more stern, almost genuinely intimidatingly.

"Can't believe you had the audacity to even look into my eyes after everything." The silver haired boy tsks, voice laced in disgust, but the other just smirks, unaffected. Jungkook looks genuinely bewildered by observing the looks that they exchanged.

This is most probably the first time he saw Jimin looking so disgusted and offended on seeing a potentially dominant man.

"Are you still caught up on all that?" The man, called Namjoon Jungkook notes, asks, trying to push away his guilty card, he steps even closer to Jimin and the smaller male steps back.

The first time Jungkook sees Jimin inching away from another man's touch.

"Don't dare touch me." Jimin whispers, and the other just smiles, his vile hands reaching to caress the other's cheeks, tracing down his jawline.

Jimin flinches.

Now Jungkook saw red.

He was about to interrupt but he just pauses mid-action.

It all happened so quickly but the man is already on the floor with a loud cry of agony and Jimin mounted on top of him.

"Whoa." Jungkook mutters under his breath, he moves closer so that he can catch better of the tea.

Jimin just punches one after the other then the other.

Now the people around become aware of the ugly groans, turning their hands and staring at the scene wide-eyed.

"Jungkook! Literally what are you even doing just standing and watching! Stop them! Jimin might murder!" Yoongi's voice perks into his ears from somewhere around.

He doesn't doubt that Jimin might just commit murder. 

So he lunges forward and grabs the other by his waist, strong arms wrapping around like a cushion as he pulls the other's smaller and lighter body off the other man's body.

"Hey! Leave me asshole! Leave me— Let me—" Jimin struggles under the other's hold, beating his clenched fists around and stomping his foot in anger, but all his efforts futile.

Jungkook figured Jimin won't stop any sooner and only go on making more fuss and ruin the party's flow, so he grabs the other by his wrist and drags him away.

"Stop! Where are you— Where are you taking me!" Jimin shouts in a whine, but Jungkook doesn't dare stop, he continues walking past the mass of wasted humans till they find a quite corner.

Well more accurately, Jungkook shuts him and Jimin into a bathroom.

And it's only till he locks the door he realizes what he was doing.

No bad Jungkook. Very very bad >:(

"Did you just—" Jimin blinks rapidly, analysing the situation and the possible outcomes of the said situation in his mind. "Let me out you pervert!"

Really? He's the pervert here?

"Oh my gosh fucking calm down." Jungkook groans, stretching his neck to both sides, letting out a satisfying crack. "Why do you get riled up so easily? Just cool down." He scoffs, eyes sub-consciously travelling down the other's body, noting every single wicked detail about the other.

The messy silver hair and the matching silver ear-rings that dangled and sparkled, the glossy lip balm and wet lips, the exposed pale skin of his collarbones and the jeans that ripped over his thighs, at just the right places.

Even a man in denial would be gay for him, Jungkook concludes, licking his lips.

Jimin stays silent, huffing and puffing, like a child being denied of his toy.

"Who was he?" Jungkook questions at last, eyes dense as they meet with Jimin's glossy ones.

"He's no one." Jimin mutters, trying to get past Jungkook impatiently. "Just let me out."

Jungkook's not having it.

He blocks the other's path again, voice raspier as he questions once again. 

"Jimin, I asked you who he was?" 

Jimin's frown deepens, raising his voice.

"How does it matter to you?" He retorts, trying to get past the other again. But Jungkook acts quick, pushing the other against the wall, pinning him with both arms on the side, caging him against his  chest.

"It fucking matters. It matters that it made you uncomfortable, even though I hate you, no man should do such things." Jungkook glowers, his voice holding an intensity that shattered Jimin's breath.

"Let me go." He repeats once more, voice feeble and small.

Jungkook does not like how Jimin's behaving, acting like it doesn't matter when the ravenette cares for him.

"Why do you keep trying to run away from me." Jungkook asks when the smallers hands push away against his chest.

Jimin dares to roll his eyes.

"Cause you ran away first. Like literally I don't give naked welcomings to just anyone. Plus I've lost any kind of attraction to you, cause you're such a dick it's been replaced with hate."

Jungkook steps away, letting Jimin slide away from him.

"We'll see." He mutters under his breath.


Can u sense the tension hoes?

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