Chapter 21: Make the rules

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"We need to make some rules."

The look on Jimin's face is of such certainty and determination it makes the situation a bit hilarious for the other.

"Rules?" He smirks, ignoring how his bruised jaw ached as he did.


"What kind?"

They're both sitting on the bed, Jimin for some reason decides to be seated on the other corner of the same edge.

"What things are allowed and prohibited in—" He then pauses in confliction, motioning between them. "In whatever thing is going on between us. Friends with benefits." He breathes out.

"Why are we doing this again?" Jungkook finds the silvery male's effort aimless.

"Cause you're stressing me out with your unexpected actions. We need to set out what's fine and what isn't."

"I'm fine with blowjobs and face-sitting, I'm guessing you are too but do you like fisting?"

Jungkook doesn't fail to notice the other's cheeks flushing, but Jimin's slick, hiding the amusement pretty clearly, letting out an exasperated sigh.

"I'm not talking about our boundaries in bed! Jesus! I'm talking about our platonic potential in public!" He scoffs.

Jungkook just chuckles.

"Fancy words. Damn. I can't believe this. Didn't know a cockslut like you was so serious about his roommate's platonic intimacy."

That seemed to strike a wrong chord in Jimin's mind.

"And I didn't know my roommate loves to pick up fights with my ex-boyfriend because of what he was saying about me like a stupid bitch!"

"Do not bitch me again!"

"Bitch!" Jimin dares to snap.

"You're such a brat oh my god!" Jungkook groans.

Jimin gasps, highly offended.

"I am the brat here?! You're the dumbo jumbo fucking satan of a brat!"

"I am not!"

"Then fucking stay out of my personal life!"

Jungkook's eyes darken, it was no more playful, they no more had the playful glint in them, just genuine frustration.

"Listen Jimin, If I can stay inside your asshole whole night, I get to stay inside your life the whole day."

It's not a request or a question. It's a statement.

"You're not my boyfriend." Jimin retorts.

"What about it? Can't friends look after each other?"



"We're friends? We argue more than we talk, we argue more than we fuck Jungkook!" Jimin barks out, his face flushing in the heat of arguement.

"Maybe we should fuck more then!"

"That's not the point here. The point it to make rules."

"I never follow rules Park, I think we both know that."

Jimin's given up, he throws his head back with a dissappointed groan.

"Fuck me!" He groans.

Jungkook just rolls his eyes at the display of dramatism from the other.

Then Jimin's eyes meet his gaze again. More drowsy.

"I said, fuck me."

Oh so he's serious.

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