Chapter 19: I Hate You

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Jimin refuses to let the other join him in bath this time.

Plus, he's pretty sure he's broken his back.

He moans heavily as the warm water rushes down his body. Soaking his skin, washing away the layer of sweat and dirt off his frame.

He can't help but stare at himself in the mirror. Eyes in lack of sleep, but wide and vibrant, cheeks hollow at the lack of proper food but flushed in pretty shades of red, body frail and weak but littered in the prettiest bruises any man had ever cared to to lay upon him.

They weren't too harsh like Namjoon's.

Or too soft like Taehyung's.

It was just— just perfect.

Jimin feels good, he feels completely wrecked out but he feels good.

It's been a while he's felt like this.

"Are you done yet Jimin?"

He snaps out this giddy little trance he was in, slightly startled by the other's voice.

"Yeah, I'll be right out just gimme a minute." He mumbles, trying not to sound as dazed as he did.

They had woken up early, agreeing to not skip classes like this, it would be a horrible habit to build. And now Jimin steps out in his usual casual wear, a bit of make-up smeared on his face and on his neck to hide any evidence that makes it very too obvious about why he was absent the previous day.

He also finds himself waiting for Jungkook, so that they can leave together.

Jungkook questions this action greatly, eyebrows raised.

"Are you planning to leave with me?" He asks, face grim.

Jimin nods.

Not good, the ravenette resonates in his mind.

"Uh well, Jimin can we get a few things clear about— Whatever this is? Between us?" Jungkook motions between both of them hesitantly.

Jimin's clearly anxious, though he decides to play it cool.

"We're roommates."

"Yeah, sure. But are you expecting something from us? Cause I think you know this but...I don't date guys." Jungkook asserts, his voice comes out careful.

"I know that." Jimin snaps, a bit harsher than he intended, Jungkook doesn't remain oblivious of the sudden change of demeanour from the other, but he decides not to point it out.

Of course Jimin fucking knows that.

But why does he feel repulsive when the other says it out directly at him?

Does he really think Jimin want's to date him?

The ego is completely displeasing.

"Just because I've let you fuck me doesn't mean I yearn anything more from you Jeon. Don't get too ahead of yourselves." He snarls.

"I never said that you want more from me. Your words not mine." Jungkook frowns at the bitter tone in the other's voice.

"Whatever, I'll just leave. I keep forgetting what a dick you are and it's impossible to stir up a humane conversation with you." Jimin scowls, upset as he swings the door open and decides to leave but Jungkook's following him.

"You've got quite a mouth on you when we're not in bed. Very unattractive." He continues to taunt, malice in his voice.

Jimin gets reminded what a shitty personally the other has when he's not dicking him down.

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