Chapter 14: Three strikes. All out.

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They lied tangled against each other, completely naked, just arms and legs over one another, the smaller's frame buried against the ravenette's chest, and they didn't even bother to cover up, just soaking in each other's warm.

Maybe it was just his body reminding him to wake up and not sleep dead, or maybe it was just the uncomfortable situation of sweaty skins  clamming against each other made Jungkook open his eyes.

He already feels like shit.

As if he's going through a stupid, bad hangover.

His eyes barely keep open, squinting as he shuffles just a bit, enough to stretch his hand out to reach the bed-side table, hands grabbing onto his phone. He switches it on and stares at the time with drowsy eyes.

2:07 PM

It's fucking afternoon.

They missed their classes too, just awesome.

Jimin must've sensed the other 's movement cause now his eyes flutter open, keeping his drunken eyes on the others.

"You look like shit." Jimin mumbles, but his voice is barely coherent and quite hoarse and rough.

"Good morning to you too. I slept well, thank you for asking." Jungkook smiles back, shifting to pull away from the other.

But Jimin cries out, too loud.

"Ow! Ah— Don't— Don't fuckin do that." He chokes out, hands grabbing on to the other's shoulder to force him still.

Jungkook freezes, looking down with enraged perplexity.

Oh, he's still inside Jimin.

They really cuddled up like that?

"Whoa." Jungkook laughs out, moving slower now, carefully pulling out of the other. Jimin's eyes squeezing shut as he exhales deeply, squeezing his legs close when the other's it out of him.

"Fuck. I can't even move." He whimpers.

He's that sore.

He's used to being sore.

But the sore of getting dicked down the entire night hit different.

"We stink." Jungkook says finally, scrunching his nose up as he inhales the heady scent of sweat cum and dick.

"Of course we fucking do. You're an absolute genius." Jimin scoffs, he's getting back to his sassing behavior but however his vulnerably soft voice gives it away.

"Get up then, I'll wash you up." Jungkook grins, cheeky.

"Gentleman much? No thank you. I think we both know what'll happen if we step in the showers together." And then Jimin sit's up straight with a pained groan, greatly in agony.

"And I just can't any more." He sighs, brushing his dirty bangs from in front of his eyes as he legs to the edge of the bed and he meets with a blinding pain up his back, body tensing.

"Ouch. Someone's too weak to handle dick." Jungkook taunts, ignoring how his own legs trembled as he stood up.

Yeah he might've went too hard on himself too.

But yesterday night he didn't even realize how long he spent fucking the other, just wanting to see other cum and quake again and again.

It's fucking addictive.

"Shut up." Jimin retorts, getting to his feet with all the strength he could muster up, taking in deep intense breaths, giving his body time to get used to the situation.

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