Chapter 24: Sweet

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Jimin feels like he's dead.

Yeah he's pretty dead.

Cause there is no way there's a mortal explanation to the cursed pain throbbing in his head.

"Ah." He groans, lolling over to the other side of the bed, curling into a ball and squeezing his eyes shut even harder.

His hands grapple over his pillow as a distraction to the waves of pain and nausea surging in his mind.

"Hey, Jimin. Are you okay?"

Jungkook's gruffy voice didn't make the situation any better.

"You drank a lot didn't you? I swear you make the most most stupid decisions. I didn't know you were such a light drinker, why did you even—"

Jungkook stops nagging abruptly as the other groans louder and desperately motions the other to shut up, hands flailing wildly.

Jimin then sits up with a loud huff of frustration eyes barely open.

"I think I have a brain tumor, it hurts so fucking much I could die." He mumbles under his breath, voice devoid of any playfulness which makes Jungkook snort.

"Here, I knew you'll make a scene in the morning so I bought you Paracetamol, water and hangover food!" He cheers flexing with the packet in his hands and a rare grin.

Jimin eyebrows knit together and his eye-lids lift up just enough to look the other in the eye, but makes no effort to talk, so Jungkook continues. He takes out a tablet and rushes a glass of water, proceeding to sit on the edge of the bed and extends his hands along with the medicine and water.

Jimin stares at the ravenette's hands with heavy contemplation.

"You should know that I hate being babied."

Diminie likes getting babied.

Jungkook's smile falters for a second but he recovers quick.

"I'm not babying you. Just being helpful." He retorts as naturally as possible.

"That isn't like you."

"Just take the damn pill Jimin."

Jimin accepts it silently.

"Can I ask you something?"

Jimin's eyes flicker up, oblivious. 

Jungkook changes him mind quick.

"No— Nothing." 

"Can you just spit it out?" The silvery boy snaps, irritation crawling into his mind.

"Okay fine. Do you always call yourself in third person when you're drunk?" A teasing smiles plays on the ravenette's lips as he says that.

Jimin just blinks in return.

"What?" He asks faintly.

"I asked whether you always call yourself Diminie when you're drunk." 

Jimin's face remains unchanged, maybe a slight paler cause now he stops breathing all together.

"I— Well— You see— Yeah I do." He admits, burying his face into his hands, overwhelmed in embarrasment.

"Do you know how stupidly adorable you were?" 

It's clear that the other doesn't take that as a compliment and rather cringes.

"Oh my god. Did I say something stupid?" He asks, cheeks flushed red and eyes sleep-less now. Jungkook bites his lips mischeiviously, turning his body and all his attention to the other.

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