Chapter 33: Game of luck

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"There are limousines here." Jimin mumbles in shock and admiration, voice going dry as the car stops slow right infront of their desired venue.

Casino Playboi Royale

"My car costs more than that." Jungkook scoffs plainly, making the other raise eyebrows, a bit shaken.

"You ready?" He asks, sensing how heavy the other breathed.


Jungkook swings the car door open and so does Jimin, he's suddenly very cautious of how he appears, he just wants to shrink under the comforter Jungkook's step-mother had knit and never socialize again.

"You look constipated." Jungkook mutters, raising an eyebrow at how stiff he looked. "I thought you wanted this, don't make it look like I forced you to this place."

Jimin chooses not to reply. Chewing off all his lipstick as he continues to abuse his lips till they bruise red.

"Where is my confident sassy bitch of a princess? What did you do to him?"

"I'm still here, just thinking of 68 ways I can fuck myself up." Jimin gleams tight.

"Why not 69?"

"Because in the 69th one, you'll fuck me up, all over."

Jungkook bites his lip, pleased by the other's clever way of conversing. He eases his arm around and against the other's petite waist, fingertips pressing hard on his skin as he guides them forward.

"Come on my muse, let's go, don't get too nervous, I know you'll steal the spotlight." Jungkook smiles, encouraging the other, even though he honestly does not like the idea of all hungry eyes on his boyfrie— just friend.

"Okay okay. Then don't worry, I'll put on a show." He laughs out, something different in his tone, something more erotic.

Jungkook's already looking forward to this.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook. I made reservation for two this evening about an hour ago." Jungkook asserts, and Jimin's cheeks flush red as the other's grip on his waist never leaves, and a few jealous men and women size the couple down out of envy.

"Yes sir, two access cards for the VIP facilities will be provided to you inside in the reservation."

Jimin refrains from freaking out the second he hears 'VIP'.

They're both let in, and the mood inside completely changes.

He let's his eyes soak and drown in the view that beheld in front of him. There's a lot of red, red carpeted floor and blood-red curtains that hung around the fancy gothic windows, dimly lit rooms that glowed with the presence of chandeliers that were probably bigger than him. Despite the grand royal interior of the place, the aura was modernized, he could hear the noise that the devices made their, and last but not the least, the rich rich crowd.

"So, what do you want to play?" Jungkook asks, finally letting his hand down, letting Jimin move around without restriction.

Jimin looks around curiously, impressively managing to not look clueless.

"That." He says, eyes fixated on the table that was crowded more heavily than the rest.

"Roulette?" Jungkook asks dubiously, earning an elegant shrug from the other. 

"Yeah, whatever you call that." The silver-haired male deadpans.

"That's a game of chance. It's all about luck. You're good with that?" The ravenette probes once again. 

"Are you trying to tell me that I don't have a good luck?" Jimin squints his eyes sassily in challenge.

"No, that's a blatant lie considering that you have me with you, I'm your good luck." Jungkook smiles smugly and Jimin doesn't look amused.

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