Chapter 22: Such an ass!

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"Who can it be?" Jimin frowns, voice barely coming out, he stands up straight flinching at the familiar soreness numbing his lower body.

He likes it, the aftersex pain.

Jungkook passes him his boxers with a small smile.

"Might be the neighbors complaining about how we're not letting them sleep or whatever." He snorts humorously, Jimin just wordlessly stumbling to open the door. He opens it slightly, eyebrows furrowing into a deeply etched frown.

"Is this Jeon Jungkook's room?"

Jungkook freezes at the ominously familiar voice.

"Uh Jungkook." Jimin laughs awkwardly, eyes glancing at the desk that's dripping with cum. 

"Someone wants to meet you." 

Jungkook skids across the room, opening the door wider just to clear out his suspicions.

This is so not good.

It's Jungkook's father.

Mr. Jeon, matching a height similar to his son, just a leaner sterner built, his hair greying, eyes as monotonous as ever, as if looking down on anything he's ever seen, his face grim, intimidatingly so.

Jimin feels his eyes waver down in perplexity as Jungkook just stares blackly at his father.


Jimin's eyes flicker up, darting to look at Jungkook in utter shock. The ravenette making no effort in looking back into his eyes.

The old man's gaze moves back and forth the duo, face inscrutrable.

"Won't you insvite me in?" He asks, eyebrows raising, showing off his authority over Jungkook as the the raven-haired male steps back slowly opening the door silently.

Both Jimin and Jungkook have the same panic-stricken thoughts in their mind.

This isn't good.

Jimin's practically half-naked.

They reek of sex.

And there's cum dripping down the desk—


Jimin practically leaps a feet into the air, across the room, startling both Mr. Jeon and his son as the most he could do was go and sit on the top of the desk, right where the cum dripped down from.

Mr. Jeon's face remains impressively unchanged only a bit bewildered if anything.

Jungkook realizes the reason for the other's sudden actions so he flashes a tight smile before the third man can notice.

Now he chuckles awkwardly.

"S-So dad, what made you visit me, it's been a while." 

It's been a long long damn while.

Jimin can sense that from the bitterness laced in Jungkook's voice.

"Yeah I was just—" He glances at Jimin with rising suspiscion. "Just wanted to see what you were upto."

"Well I'm completely fine. There's nothing to worry about me." Jungkook asserts plainly, his father's eyes darkening, the tension suddenly thicker and Jimin contemplates walking out to give the father and son their privacy.

"Is he your...roommate?" His father asks, changing the subject so suddenly it catches Jimin off-guard.

Why is he a topic of discussion here?

"Yes." Jungkook admits though gritted teeth, eyes searching for Jimin's own, then he mouths silently.

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