Chapter 41: Uncle

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Jungkook's risking everything that he has as he hits the acceleration pedal, forcing his car to go way past the speed limits. He doesn't care, he doesn't think, his own life in a hazard at how carelessly he drifts the expensive vehicle, overtaking all others.

He's pretty sure the cops are soon going to be behind his tail for breaking all kinds of moderate road regulations but only if he bothered.

"Damnit." He curses under his breath, pupils constricted and breath labored in waves of both worry and fury.

Okay, okay.

He was getting too riled up, might bust a vein out of nowhere.

So, thinking a bit more clearly.

Jimin left in the morning. Around 9.

It's noon right now.

Maximum 2-3 hours for a train travel to Busan.

The taste in his mouth turns sour and his stomach twists unpleasantly as he realizes Jimin had most probably reached his house by now.


Jimin does not have the courage to ring that ominous looking doorbell, he just doesn't. He's barely being able to breathe, his hands tremble.

God, he doesn't want to go through all of this again, so soon.

All it would take was a little nudge for him to fall on his knees and sob endlessly, but he just can't, cause if his father realizes what a vulnerable and emotional position he is in. He'll be taken advantage of.

He presses the bell within the matter of seconds, eyes growing colder and face grave. raising his chin a bit higher as he waits for the door to swing open.

And when it does, the nauseating nostalgia of the house and all his demons slap him in the face, it all taunts him, screams at him to run away, he stumbles back a bit and purses his lips, trying to regain his composure.

The silver-haired boy's noses scrunches in utter disgust as what he senses that his father had been drinking, it was too easy to make out with the glaze in his eyes, and the pungent scent of cheap liquor wafts around him.

His dad's eyes remain unchanged, and he opens the door further, silently commanding the other to step inside.

Jimin's heart is beating wildly against his sternum, the wordlessness racked his nerves, feet wobbly and unstable as he steps inside, wondering why his father didn't say anything at first.

But then the door shuts click behind him, he hears the bolt lock and suddenly the entire puzzle fits.

His head snaps around the second, eyes desperate but face as cold as he can pull off.

"Tell me that man in the video isn't you." The old man slurs, eyes darkening.

Jimin's teeth grit together, unable to break the tense eye-contact, he just exhales shakily, fists clenching on each side.

Mr. Park shoves the mini-table beside him in rage, the vase too moves with the impact and crashes desolately on the floor with a shrill noise of glass breaking.

Jimin flinches harshly.

"Tell me that filthy man isn't you!" He roars, stepping forward a step and Jimin's defense instincts kick in.

"Dad! P-please just listen—"

"No." His father is so sure, and he looks like a lunatic staring Jimin down like that, he looks mad, he looks scary and it makes Jimin's lips wobble. "It's over for you. It's over."

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