Chapter 35: It's All About The Timing

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Jungkook was in an insanely conflicted existential crisis.

There was silence that soaked the insides of the car, silence but not so much of a silence, only the oddly calming kind if anything, Jimin's soft snores, the light drizzle over the windows and the low thrumming off the engine.

It was nearly midnight, vehicles rarely seen.

And Jungkook was a mess, an emotional one.

He knows he can't ignore what he felt for Jimin.

He just can't tell himself it's nothing cause he knows, he knows how his heart blooms when it's with the silvery boy.

He's just afraid how it'll turn out.

Would Jimin feel the same way?

Could they work out? Or will it just be a rush of sex for them?

"Shit." He sighs under his breath, closing up on the familiar road of their campus.

He just so bad wants it to work out.

He accelerates the more he thinks about it, anxious and frantic, it takes a few more minutes for him to reach the parking lot. He parks in, and stares at Jimin who's dozing soundly, oblivious of how crazy Jungkook was going.

"Jimin, wake up, we're here."

It takes a few gentle tap on the other's shoulder's to stir Jimin out his sleep, he frowns, eyes squinted and a ridiculously adorable pout on his lips.

"Can't shu jusht cahrry me?" He mumbles half asleep and upset, the ravenette let's out a half-hearted laugh.

"No, the guards will stare at us awkwardly."

And they'll tell his dad.

They're all paid for that.

He knows.

"I can barely move." He complains, trying to sit back up straight. "And my back— oh my god." He groans, waiting for Jungkook to step out and help him with opening the door, so Jungkook does exactly that.

"I'm gonna limp though." Jimin warns, eyes fluttering as he sounds in a pained sound, standing up and stretching lazily, only to stumble a bit into the other's arm.

"Sounds like you're not the type for long drives." Jungkook muses as he holds the other by his waist, giving him intimate support.

"I don't know. I'm never the one for long time things, it's just all flings."


"Really? No relationships?"

Jungkook holds his breath as the other stares at him with a half-lidded gaze, still sleepy.



Atleast it isn't a no.

They stumble back safely to their dorms without getting questioned much or grabbing any unnecessary attention. And the moment the door opens, Jimin hurries and falls face first flat asleep on his bed.

"Whoa." Jungkook chuckles silently.

"I'm gon' schoke you if you dishturb ma shleep thish thime." Jimin mumbles incoherently against the pillow again.

"But that's going to be uncomfortable to sleep in."

"Then undresh me."

"I'll get horny and then I'll fuck you again."


It's just silence after. Jungkook switches the lights off and steps out, needing some air. He almost let's out a suprised  gasp when Yoongi's standing just outside the door.

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