Chapter 38: Addict 101

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"Mmh, Jimin?" The raventte whispers gently, smiling faintly when the silvery male just nuzzles his head onto the other's chest further, and Jungkook can't help but wrap his arms around tighter, soaking in warmth.

They'd had a good meal, watched 'Finding Nemo' to lighten up the mood, and then lazed around in bed together all day till next morning.

Jungkook never felt so blessed in his entire life.

"Mm?" Jimin hums drowsily.

"New day, we need to get back to attending classes." Jungkook spoke, and when he talked like that is when he realized he too couldn't remember the last time he spoke so soft and profound to someone.

"Yeah." Jimin frowns, eyes still closed and not making any efforts to move. "You can go ahead, I'll catch up with chu before the class beginsh." He mumbles half-asleep, and yet not untangling his legs that were locked up with the other.

"You seem to not want to let me go though." Jungkook chuckles, voice hoarse, chest rumbling which makes Jimin squirm, he slowly moves his legs, pushing away from the other, displeased.

"Now go." He huffs, a childish pout adoring his lips.

"Yeah Yeah." Jungkook laughs lightly, finally pulling himself off the bed, and when he leaves, Jimin craves the warmth of the ravenette too much.


Jimin was able to step out his dorm with barely 5 minutes to spare. His eyes wide and sparkly, it's been a while he's slept with such ease after all. The soles of his sneaker squeaking against the tiled floor as he skids past the hallways.

Initially he doesn't notice it just yet.

He's too busy making a bee-line to the dance studio, he doesn't notice it yet.

How the people were eyeing him.

How their eyes diverged from their enclosed conversations to him when he walks past.

How the crowd was louder today, as if a topic of intense discussion had been exposed inside the campus.

Oh, he just doesn't realize that that number of people that were staring back and forth between him and their phone screens. 

The bell to the first class rings, and Jimin's legs pace on a notch higher, and not 4 steps later he trips down because of an obvious guilty leg that took the effort to do so. The latter hurrying crowd continue to walk past like nothing every happened but Jimin stays on the floor, bewildered as he looks up.

The students roaming turn almost non-existent, but in between all of that stood a bunch of guys that were obviously from his batch.

"What the fuck's wrong with you Jaehyun?" Jimin scoffs, failing to notice the glint of vile amazement in the groups eyes as he makes an attempt to stand up.

But one of them, Jaehyun that is— assumingly their stupid leader, clicks his tongue, stepping forward with a twisted smirk.

"No no no baby, you stay on the floor, right there."

Jimin's pulse accelerates, furious at the term of endearment used for him with the purpose of disrespecting him.

"Don't call me that." Jimin warns, voice low as he tried to stand up, and as he does is when he realizes how differently they were looking at.

They were looking at him with that dirty gaze, but it was something that he was used to, what he wasn't used to was that they were looking at him lowly as well.

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