Chapter 37: Such a liar

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"Okay, let's go!" The instructor claps two times. "One!" 

Jungkook nudges the other's left leg with his right one, slotting them way closer than what was appropriate in waltz.


Jimin bites down on his bottom lip, he just wants to tip his head back and moan at the way Jungkook looks at him, how close they are when the ravenette steps forward against him again. He can feel the heat of the other's body reeking off his skin, it's so much and yet not nearly enough.


Jungkook steps back, guiding Jimin along, hands firm on his hips.


They're standing too close against each other now. Jimin's breathe rags.

"How long?" He pants, eyes glazing, body feeding off the other's possessive presence. 

"Ten minutes." Jungkook says, continuing to move according to the teacher's instruction. Jimin nods gently, wishing time would pass by faster, the dominant's fingertips keep dancing along the other's waist, eyes undressing him shamelessly.

"Okay! That was good. I think it's all for this class, make sure to practice—"

Jimin forgets to hear the rest of the teacher's words as Jungkook's already dragging him out the class, they're standing at the very back so barely a few notice their absence. The silver-haired boy's thoughts blur, just impatiently letting the other drag him in the hall by his wrist.

Jungkook pulls them into the boy's washroom, and closes the door instead of pushing them into one of the stalls.

"Gukk, we-re gonna get caught like this let's—"

The ravenette pushes the other against the wide slab of the sink, back pressing painfully.

"No. This is nicer." Jungkook breathes out with a smirk, a hand slipping underneath the other's top, yearning to touch the bare skin and the other travels up against the sensitive skin of his neck.

"Ngh— But— But atleast lock the door." Jimin whispers blatantly, Jungkook's breath lingering over his lips.

"No." Jungkook taunts again, planting a chaste kiss on the other's lips. "As I said, it's nicer like this."

"You're fucking crazy." Jimin curses under his breath as the other's hands reach down, unbuckling his jeans and pulling them down, letting him slip off completely his lower clothing, the submissive finds himself doing the same, desperately tugging down Jungkook's cargos and boxers. 

The ravenette's monstrous hands run up and down his body, resting on the back of his thighs, then they grip on tight, slightly parting his legs open.

"Jump." Jungkook commands against his ear.

Though Jimin knows how insane this is, his body can't help but easily respond, he doesn't care at present, he jumps up, strong thighs wrapping around the other's slim waist.

Jungkook backs up from the sink, pressing himself closer with the other as he guides them against bathroom wall, Jimin's back arcs with a sweet gasp of delight as Jungkook's hand fondles with his cock carelessly, tugging on it, the hands still holding him up with ease.

"You're— oh fuck you're so demented." Jimin moans out. "Risking us in the f-fuckin public."

"I'm demented?" Jungkook laughs breathlessly, his hand reaches down to tease the other's rim, stroking circles around it.

"Why, aren't you the lunatic here. Saying yes to the teacher, letting that old man dance with you?" He presses a finger in with ease, making Jimin spasm. "Choosing him over me?"

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