Chapter 7: How bad do you want it?

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There's this dim sparkle in Jimin's wasted orbs that make Jungkook blink rapidly.

"Sorry what?" He asks, caught off guard by the sudden erotic question.

"Don't tell me you don't know what BDSM is—"

"No! I know what it is." He deadpans, cheeks heating up as he struggles not the imagine things, things that may mess up his mind and composure. "And I know exactly what it's capable of."

Jimin hums, convinced.

"Good then, cause you could say I was in a toxic BDSM relationship with Namjoon that kind of fucked around a lot with my body and mind."

Jungkook is at a loss of words, swallowing down saliva audibly.

"You might think how that could even matter to someone like me, someone as shameless as me, but, I do have limits. And I don't like it when people cross them." The tone of Jimin's voice comes out as a warning to the ravenette, so he just stays silent.

Then Jungkook proceeds to place his right hand slyly on the other's thigh.

Once a perv, always one.

"What are those limits?" He dares to ask the next second, and he swears he just saw Jimin shudder at the contact.

"Again, why does it matter?" His voice comes of airy.

Jungkook's hand slides up just a bit, stealthy.

"Just wanna know my bitchy roommate better."

Jungkook can't believe he's doing this to himself, trying to rile the other up, trying to get the other breathless.

"Maybe your roommate won't be so bitchy if you tame him." He husks lowly, his light timbre voice inviting as he stares at the other with glazed eyes.

Jungkook slides his hand further up, against the other's inner thighs, and he feels the other crave for more.

Tame him?

Like how we do an animal?

"You wanna be tamed?" Jungkook asks with a breathless laugh of pure anticipation. "Would you like that kitten?"

Either the ravenette is hallucinating a wet dream or Jimin really just purred.

Jungkook can't help but squeeze the other's thigh, Jimin's lips parting and breath ragging.

"What else do you want?"

"I really want— I really—"

The flushed pink on the shorter's cheeks leaves Jungkook in dark anticipation.

"Your Doritos."

Jungkook's desire drops as quickly as it built up, replacing the yearn with confusion.

"Em sorry, what?"

"Doritos, i saw an entire packet in your drawer. I'm really hungry I wanna eat that."

Jimin gotta be fucking with Jungkook.

He definitely was.

Jungkook-1 : Jimin-2

"No." Jungkook frowns, sexual frustration burning his insides, he was mad, and it was showing all over his face the longer he stares at the other.

"Why?" Jimin whines, looking as mad as he can but when he's drunk it just looks ridiculously adorable.

"One, cause you looked through my drawers without my permission, which is invasion of privacy. Two, I just don't want to give it to you, we hate each other remember?"

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