Chapter 40: Step-mother

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When Jungkook reaches the Jeon's house, it's oddly quiet.

Maybe it's just cause he's aware and over-conscious, or maybe it's actually just really quiet enough for his heart to palpitate, scorning with anxiety. It's the same door-bell, the same anonymous butler opening the door, the same floor, same air, same surroundings but...eerily quiet.

"Dad?" Jungkook calls out, half expecting the old man to explode into a nasty bunch of curses out of any corner of the house all of a sudden, and half expecting a calm 'We've put you up for adoption. Good luck.'

 It's not his father that steps into the living room first, it's his mother.

Well step-mother more accurately.

And then follows his father. Looking vexed and disappointed.

"Jungkook." She says, her deeper monotone voice thrummed weirdly pleasant in his ears.

"Listen I swear I can explain—"

"Explain what!" His father barges into the conversation, fuming. "You fucked another man and let it spread on the internet I'm so fucking disgusted with you!" He takes a step forward, but the older woman grabs him by his arm, the poised smile never leaving her face.

"Honey, let me take care of him." She croons.

Jungkook's never watched Cinderella but he wonders if this is how an evil-step mother sounds like.

"The man in the video, son.  He's Jimin if I'm not mistaken." 

"Yes he is."

"Do you like him?"


"Why are you asking him that—"

"Oh, shush." The woman holds her husband back off again.

"I'll ask again." She steps forward, crossing her arms against her chest. "Do you like that man?"

Well, uh.


He can't believe he's saying this, but something about his mother assures him it won't turn out that bad.

"Yes, I do."

"You fucking disappointment! Oh my god we're ruined!" His father shouts as if in genuine anguish.

"Honey!" Mrs. Jeon hisses. "You can't say that."

"What do you mean I can't? I don't care honestly we're disowning this humiliation."

Jungkook was neither hurt or disappointed.

Typical dad. He thought.

"We are not." His mother scowls disapprovingly.

Jungkook scoffs, lowkey amused.

"Do I get a say in this or—"

"You don't have any right to speak here! Adults—" His father aggressively motions between him and his wife. "Are discussing!"

"Be gentle with the kid dear." Mrs. Jeon warns.

"Kid?! He's a grown ass man that fucked another grown ass man!"

Dang, Jungkook's never seen his dad lose his cool like this.

"I think you should calm down." His mother deadpans. "You're not thinking straight, give yourself some time to reflect on what has happened, let me talk to him."  She says calmly, urging the other to walk back and out, glancing side-ways at Jungkook who was more or less stunned.

And when Mr. Jeon actually listens and walks out, Jungkook is highly impressed, he can't help but smirk.

"Is this why dad married you?"

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