Chapter 27: Like

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"Why are you staring at me like that?" Jimin exhales boredly, shooting a short glance on the other as they continue to walk out of the campus.

"Cause, oh my god, you're limping." Jungkook mutters monotonously, his strides shorter so that the other could catch up with his limping.

"Yeah sure I am. Is it that obvious that we fucked?" Jimin grouses, eyes clueless as they reach the parking lot.

"I'm sure dad doesn't know the difference between a I-twist-my-ankle limp and I-got-fucked-so-good-by-your-son limp. So I guess we're good." The Ravenette says, pursing his lips as his feet come to a stop, pressing the key in his hand.

Jimin just blinks, slightly startled as the car beeps.

Short silence.

"Listen, I have no damn idea what car this is and how much it costs but dang this shit looks expensive as fuck." Jimin marvels, clearly impressed and that was more than enough for the other to be smug about.

"Yeah it's a Ferrari Monza, a sweet deal she is, cost's about 1.7 million U.S bucks and only a handful have the money to—"

"Hold up honey, didn't ask for the latitudes and longitudes of this thing, your parents are rich, I get it." Jimin laments, eyes still glimmering as his hand lands on the hood of the car, mesmerized.

"Can I drive this beauty?" He whispers under his breath.

"No. Even rich parents get mad at car crashes Jimin."

Jimin shrugs, easily excepting the fact that he possibly would end up crashing his car against a random light pole, which was greatly concerning.

"So I die without getting to drive a Ferarri?" He frowns.

"No, some day I'll let you I guess." Jungkook promises, and watching the creases of the other's eyebrows relax was all he needed to see.

"Okay then."

Jungkook occupies the driver's seat, and Jimin the seat beside, they start off, a comfortable silence prolonged with that of the faint humming of the engine and the cars that accompanied them on road.

"So. How do you feel?" Jungkook asks, glancing over the other who had his head tilted against the window, breath stable and calm as gazes outside silently.

"Depends." Jimin hums.

"On what?"

"On whether you're asking me how it feels to be meeting your family or on whether you're asking me how it feels to have a vibrator up your ass when we're going to such a risky place as bros." The silver haired boy chuckles, his thighs squeezing shut as he reminds himself the situation.

And he just knows how much it turns them on.

"I think both." The raventte grins.

"I feel fucking orgasmically— stupefyingly— prodigiously— incredible Jungkook." Jimin asserts, sarcasm dripping like honey down his voice.

"Darn the fancy words." Jungkook laughs. "I think my head is spinning."

"Good that it does."

"I think you're forgetting I have the remote in my pocket." 

Heat pools in the pit of Jimin's stomach, knowing who really has the upper hand in this conversation.

"Yeah, fuck." He breathes out.

It's a few more minutes of silence before they're pulling into a more sparsely populated land of Seoul, the outskirts, where there's slight more trees, making a lot more difference.

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