Chapter 15: Won't stop

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"J-Jungkook no—" 

Jimin's breath shatters as he's pressed against the tiled wall of the bathroom. Jungkook cages him with no mercy, a hand against the wall and the other raising Jimin's thigh, spreading them wide enough for the other to be able to reach his hole.

He now uses his other hand to press his fingers in.

He groans at how easily the slip inside.

"Oh my god Jungkook I c-can't —

He then moans.

Moans as Jungkook fucks him with his fingers, moving them just against the other's prostate, massaging them inside skillfully.

"Look at how loose you are, how you suck my fingers right in. You love it don't you." Jungkook teases, voice thrumming and echoing against the walls of the bathroom along with sound of running water.

"I— I'll cum—"

"So soon? Nah." Jungkook rasps, pulling out his fingers almost immediately, it get's Jimin shaking, biting back a moans as he feels the other's length brushing against his ass cheeks.

"You'll come from my cock, just from my cock."

Jimin's head lolls back, eyebrows furrowing, hands grappling at the other's shoulder to stand straight.

"It's too much— You're too—"

"Too hot to handle?" Jungkook laughs, pushing his length inside Jimin as he does. 

Jimin's mouth falls open, letting out a guttural groan. The other doesn't even wait, sliding back and slamming in strong.


"Say my name." Jungkook muses hotly, snapping his hips one again.

Jimin's eyes fly open, yet he doesn't obey. Jungkook thrusts in again.

"Say it." He growls, rubbing off his dominance as he rolls his hips against the other's pelvis, making sure his cock brushes around his prostate but never enough to make him quiver at the impact.

"Jungkook!" Jimin mewls dirtily, knees bending as he buries his head against the crook of the other's neck, his entire frame shaking with each thrust, completely on the mercy of the ravenette.

"Call me daddy?" He asks shortly, pacing crazy thrusts, rutting into the other with intensit.

"No. Don't wanna" Jimin mumbles out, speech slurred, head raising to meet eyes with the other. "Used to call Namjoon that."

Jungkook's jaw clenches at the mention of the other's name, his grip on the other's thigh getting harsher. He picks up his pace, eager to chase his orgasm.

"Then whaddya wanna call me baby?" He asks, smirking when the other can't get a full sentence out of his mouth, eyes rolling back.

"Gukk— J-Just ah— just your name's enough." He mewls out, neck straining as he presses his head against the wall even harder, closing his orgasm.

"My name? Why? Don't I deserve a nickname?" Jungkook asks breathlessly, teeth clenching together as he closes his orgasm.

"Hah. Ah. Fuck—Yes, yes, yes!"

Jimin's voice pitches higher the more he closes to his orgasm, keeping himself straight and standing with barely anything that was left of him.

He cums along with the ravenette with a sweet cry, heavy pants accompanying them.

"I— I could call anyone with the nickname I'll give you. But I can't moan out your name for just anyone." Jimin whispers coyly, hissing as he's gently pulled into the shower back again, his entire body weight on support of the other, who holds him tight.

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