Chapter 36: Waltz

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"Jimin, you gotta wake up. We're gonna be late for class." Jungkook grouses, shaking the smaller's frame harshly, he continues to crawl further into the bed, hands grabbing onto his delicate arms, trying to shake him awake.

"Oh my goood!" Jimin groans pitifully, the frustration of being woken up like this, so sudden caused tears in the corner of his eyes in irritation.

"We're gonna be fucking late if you don't—"

"Ugh!" Jimin's head snaps up, eyes barely open but clearly furious. "Why can't you be sweet?" He questions blankly.

"What do you mean by sweet?" Jungkook laments, eyes bored.

"I don't know dude! Maybe wake up more gently? Kiss me awake? Get me some tea and biscuits— Wait why the fuck am I naked?!"

Jungkook blinks, very dumbfounded.

"What am I? Your boyfriend to kiss you awake?"

Jimin huffs, annoyed.

"Did we fuck again Jungkook? Why am I completely butt naked?" He repeats stubbornly, having felt embarrasment for making such requests to the other.

Tea and biscuits for him in the morning? Jimin he's not your husband.

"I undressed you. You told me to last night." Jungkook shrugs, slowly slipping off the edge of the bed and standing up. 

"Okay, and you didn't fuck me after you saw me naked and unconscious?" Jimin grumbles, startled and shaken.

"We've talked about this before I think. I don't fuck people when they're unconscious, especially not you." Jungkook chuckles.

"Yeah you don't fuck them when they're unconscious, you fuck them till they fall unconscious is the right phrase." 

"It's early in the morning Park what's with all the fuck-talk." He sighs, amused but exasperated. "Come on get out of the bed, dance lesson's first, we can head out together."

Jimin can't help but tilt his head, eyes curious.

Cause there was a day when Jungkook refused to even walk together.

"Yeah. Gimme five minutes."

Jungkook nods with a small smile.

Jimin doesn't take a lot of time to wash up and change, he doesn't try to dress this time oddly enough, he feels like he's already getting all the attention he wanted and needed, and yes, it was Jungkook's constant attention towards him recently, he doesn't wanna impress anyone anymore.


The ravenette's eyes turn sparkly as the silvery boy steps out with his messy platinum hair, practically swimming in clothes.

"Oh? No tight-pants that show off your ass?" Jungkook observes, raising his eyebrows in mischief.

"Mmh, nah." Jimin smiles back, grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder.

They head out together, they walk together, side to side, pace in sync, just having each other beside each other was more than enough. Jimin knows this isn't a normal feeling to have, so does Jungkook, but they're both afraid to break whatever was already there.


Jimin snaps his head to the familiar cheery voice but so does Jungkook, suddenly conscious.

"Hobi hyung." The silver-haired male cooes, the third male joining the duo.

"Both of you skipped so many classes together." Hoseok smiles smugly, side-eying the ravenette. "Ans it's naturally become the talk of the town."

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