Chapter 12: Crying

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Jungkook sounds in a breathy chuckle as he presses his bare body against Jimin's own, he lets his rough hands roam all over the other's naked frame, fingers pressing against every dip of his waist and every curve of him frantically.

His mouth ghosts against the tender skin of the silver-haired boy's neck, leaning in to attach his lips to the skin, hot tongue swiping against Jimin's cleavage.


Jungkook licks a thick stripe of the other's skin, across his collarbone, teeth teasing, sinking down sadistically. He can feel the other jolting under him, letting out the most sexiest gasp he's ever heard.

He goes down further, wet warm tongue lapping against Jimin's dark perked nipples, it makes Jimin squirm, but he's forced to stay still, his arms pinned against the mattress by the other's hands, rendering him helpless.

"Ah. Ah. Ah."

All he can do is make those pathetic, pretty noises.

Jimin struggles to stay sane as the other's teeth gently trap his nipples, tugging on them, playing with it, taking advantage of his sensitivity.

"Fuck. Jungkook stop—"
He drawls out a helpless whine.

He's been fucked before, countless times.

He's tried new things.

But no one had ever embraced his body the way the ravenette did.

No one's taken so much time to teeth and tease him the way Jungkook was.

Jungkook licks his lips as he parts from the other's chest, a vile darkness lingering in his eyes, and a dangerous smile playing on his lips.

"Stop? Already?"

The cockiness in his voice.

His huge hands part Jimin's thighs apart, slotting himself between them, he then pushes the other's legs towards Jimin, forcing them against his chest.

"Stop? When you were the one who started this shit?"

His voice turns raspier, throat dry as he stares at how effortless he can bend Jimin down to such lewd positions, the ways he can man-handle him. Eyes fixing over the other's hole, then trailing down to the pale unblemished skin of his inner thighs and ass.


"Ah!" Jimin's body jerks away from the other's hold as skin slapped against skin, the electrifying impact of Jungkook's monstrous hand against his thighs leaving him quivering.

"You thought it was okay when you walked around naked like that for me?"


"You thought it was okay to dress like that in front of me? Humping off just my attention?"

He pushes Jimin's thighs farther apart, scoffing at how effortlessly his legs stretched, eyes trained over Jimin's face, his heady gaze locked onto Jimin's similar hooded ones, breathing labored.


"You thought everything was good when you whored around for other's in front of me after all that?"

His husky fucked-up voice made Jimin's eyes squeeze shut, lips parted.

"I'm sorry." He whispers out weakly.

"Oh you're not sorry yet Jimin." Jungkook cooes, bringing two fingers to press against his rim.

Jimin licks his wet lips in anticipation.

"You will be soon. Very soon."

Now Jimin scoffs, though it sounded more like a breathy moan.

"Shut up and fuck me." He demands, eyes holding challenge in them as they fixate upon Jungkook's doe ones.

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