Chapter: Epilogue

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The wind sang a song from the heavens and the waves played along with a harmony so sweet the world was swooning, the golden rays of the sun dancing along to the poem along with the water, casting a glow and magic to the evening shore that Jimin had missed a lot.

He sat there alone, on the shore, with his knees to his chest and arms around it, resting his chin on it and rocking side to side to a tune only he knew. Calm, peace, serenity all blooming in his heart that had only ever learned to be cold.


The silver-haired male takes the effort of slightly turning his head to the side, lifting his chin off his arms.

"You got me worried for a minute. I woke up and you weren't there."

The ravenette's tone is soft, it's just full of a warmth that Jimin could never get tired of.

"Sorry, I just wanted to see the sun set. It's been awhile and I didn't wanna disturb you."

"Well I wanted to see the sun set too." Jungkook smiles, relaxing when the other confirms that there was nothing wrong.

"It's so pretty." Jimin hums, staring over the horizon where the sun and the sea appeared to meet, the lights radiating a vast shades of red, yellow's and blues.

"It is." Jungkook hums back.

Though Jimin was staring at the sea, Jungkook wasn't. He stood a bit to the front, staring down at Jimin, eyes aglow.

Jimin might be staring at the world. But Jungkook was staring at his entire world.

"Why're you look at me like that?" Jimin smiles, not realizing how gorgeously the smile graces his lips, his silver hair bouncing along the air, face vibrant and eyes as alive as the ravenette.

Jungkook laughs, or more so, he forces out a light laughter, watching Jimin get to his feet since the sun was almost all the way set.

His heart was pounding against his chest when he stared at Jimin and he just knew he can't be leaving this unsaid.

"Jungkook, you look pale—"


Jimin maintains his eye-contact with the other past 5 seconds and suddenly his stomach churns, the bare look in Jungkook's blown eyes made him realize what the ravenette was going to say.

"G-Gukk— are you—"

Jungkook steps closer, he looked breathless as he did too.

"Jimin, I'm in love with you."

The ravenette's eyes dart frantically into Jimin's eyes, he watches the other's cheeks shade a pretty palette or red, and his eyes slowly but surely getting— teary.

He's bewildered when the other's mouth opens almost as if in disbelief.

"Oh my god Jimin why are you crying—"

Jungkook pauses when he observes the way a big, pretty smile crosses the submissive's a face. And the next second Jungkook's arms open and his hands are firmly on his waist cause Jimin just pounced on him, throwing his shorter arms around the other's shoulder with a squealing laughter.

The silver-haired male has to get on his toes to be able to attach his lips with the other's and Jungkook kisses him back just as eagerly. The ravenette can't help but tense up when he senses the other's tears flowing down continuously as he parts.

"You took your damn time." Jimin sniffles.

"I don't get why you're sobbing though." The other asks, slightly worried as he continues to hold the other close.

"I'm— I'm sorry I'm j-just—" Jimin tries to wipe his tears with the back of his hand. "I love you so so much too."

Jungkook pulls the other into a hug.

"My baby's so sensitive." He mumbles.

"I just didn't see this coming. I w-was afraid you're just kidding around with me." 

"That's funny cause I thought so all along too."

Jungkook rests his chin on the other's head, planting a gentle kiss on the top.

"It's okay you can stop crying now."

Jimin laughs lightly as he steps away.

"I love you." Jungkook smiles again, testing that out on his tongue again, watching Jimin's eyes arc into a crescent, crinkling at the corner.

"I love you too." Jimin asserts back cheekily.

"I love you more."

"Stop you're going to make me cry again."

"I really do though."

Jimin holds his hand out, asking Jungkook to take it, which the taller does without any hesitance holding them gently and engulfing them with his own larger ones.

"Let's head back. We need to reach the campus by tomorrow."

They both walk along, hands swinging and both of them find it adorable how cheeky they both felt as they walked like that together.

"This feels like a dream honestly." Jimin sighs out.

"Why? Can't a sex addict fall in love?"

"They sure can, I can say so myself."

"Then why so star-struck princess?"

"Cause...When I first met you. I couldn't even imagine us. Like this. I couldn't imagine you, being like this to me, like a fucking angel sent from heaven. I didn't expect myself to fall for you, never."

"But look at us now. Isn't it better?"

Jimin giggles.

"It's the best."

The longer the stare at each other, the more queasy they feel, the good kind of queasy. The kind they never imagined they'll feel when they looked at each other.

Two sex addicts, one with daddy issues and the other with no care about this world, put into one room and fated to be in love.


A disaster indeed.

But why would you ever imagine it was a bad kind even?

That's what a disaster is after all.

It's unexpected.

And you never know whether it's going to be good or bad.

And fortunately for the newly-confessed couple. It was the good kind.


Finished on 29/09/2022

<<Might continue this book lololol and turn into a crime a/u. Want that or nah?>>

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