Chapter 13: Round 2

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Jungkook just stares blankly.

He let's his eyes trail down the other's smug face down to his heaving chest and sticky torso stained with cum, and down his thighs that flashed a fresh red at certain places, an imprint of Jungkook's huge hand.

"Round two?" He asks, more like mumbling to himself.

"Why, are you tired already?" The other laughs airily, elbows pressing against the mattress as he raises himself up a bit, letting his eyes fall over Jungkook's broad frame, biting his lips.

Oh, Jimin's asking for it.

"Tired? Me?" Jungkook's eyebrows raise, and he slowly crawls back on to the bed, letting his breath fan against Jimin's face as he hovers over the other like an alpha in hunt.

"I'm just trying not to hurt you."

"Since when did we start worrying about each other?" Jimin taunts, breath heavy once again as he breathes out.

"Don't hold back you pussy. I can take it, I can take it all." He sneers, voice lustrous as he leans in further into the other's face, holding himself back just right before their lips could brush.

"You'll regret this." Jungkook growls lowly, it was a genuine statement figured the smaller since there was no mockery laced in his voice.

"You're all talk and no—"

Jimin takes in a pleased gasp as Jungkook attaches his lips against Jimin's thick ones. He's pushed against the mattress, the other's weight forcing him to sink against the sheets. Jungkook shows no mercy, tongue pressing against the other's plump lips, trying to force them open.

But Jimin won't give in.


Jimin's mouth falls open when the other's hand reaches to tug at his nipple. Jungkook's tongue presses against every crevice of the other's mouth with that opportunity, teeth nipping down at his bottom lip as he continues to play with the other's nipples. Finger twisting and tugging at the buds, making Jimin's petite frame twitch underneath him.

The more frantic they got to taste each other, the messier turned their kiss, Jimin's hands slipping against the nape of the other's neck as he pulls on to the ravenette's dark locks, moaning into his mouth and Jungkook just swallows all of the sounds, smirking into the kiss.

Jimin could hear their saliva slurp, he could hear their hot tongues moving against each other in a filthy rythm, he could feel them getting sloppy.

He bucks his hips up to press his own hardening length against the dominant's and it makes Jungkook part with a deep moan.


Jimin yelps softly as Jungkook's large hands grab his calves and push them up, effortlessy throwing them against each side of his shoulders. Lifting Jimin's back off in the process.

The silver-haired male was so light and frail it was almost ridiculous how easily Jungkook can man-handle the other in any way he wants.

"I'm gonna dick you down all night Jimin, we'll see if you can handle that." Jungkook chortles rudely, positioning himself against the other's loose hole once again, he can still feel the cum drip down his asshole making everything so much more slicker as he presses in once again.

"Oh yes." Jimin moans out, arching his back off the mattress in the most delicious way possible, his wet eyes fluttering at the extraordinary feeling off the other's dick stretching him out.

Jungkook's s hands splay of Jimin's waist groping at the bruised flesh as he goes all out.

He doesn't need to wait to move, it's already so easier, snapping his waist strong and slick, letting the obscene clapping sound resound against the walls of the dorm. A few thrusts and he already knows exactly how and where Jimin would like it, angling himself in way that when he pounds in, his cock bangs right against his prostate.

"Oh— Right there. Right there." Jimin cries out, a stream of moans escaping his swollen lips as Jungkook does exactly that. 

The bed creaks with the impact of the other's thrusts, heavy languid breaths accompanied by Jimin sultry moans.

"Louder baby, louder. Wanna know just— fuck— just how much you enjoy being used like this." Jungkook asserts, rutting his hips hard against the other, and Jimin's mouth falls open to make the nastiest noises he can, from chocked and strangled moans to the fucked up pretty pitched screams.

"Just like that Gukk— Just like that ah!" 

Jimin makes a noise that's too twisted to be human as Jungkook picks up his pace, his face contorting as the rush of the orgasm consumes his body.

All that while he stares at the silvery boys face and he just can't get enough.

He just wants to see the other like this more, he wants to hear that sultry voice more, he needs to see how sexy he is when he cums, spurting cum all over, he wants to see all of it happen again and again and he bet it still won't be enough.

"Ah I'm close— s-so fuckin— ah." Jimin's voice turns more desperatee as if in a loss of air as he cums hard, all over his torso once again.

"You're so sexy." Jungkook grunts, eyes glimmering darkly as he watches the other's eyes tear from the stimulation as he continues chasing his orgasm.

He doesn't wanna come so soon. He wants to have more.

And more and more all night and he'll never get tired of all he has to do is fuck Park Jimin.

Jungkook pulls out before he can cum and it leaves Jimin a soft whimpering mess, but before the smaller male can process anything he's being turned over on his stomach.

Jungkook easily pulls up Jimin's hips, appreciating the arch of his back and the fleshy curve of his ass, groping the fat flesh with a chuckle.

Jimin hisses, knees still trembling from his orgasm, body sour but not yet on his limts.

And he gasps when Jungkook slaps his ass.

"Come on princess, on your knees and hands now."

Jimin obeys weakly, sounding out a broken whine as the other pushes his girth in once again.

"Oh fuck." He breathes out, dizzy, his fragile frame shaking with every strong thrust.



Jungkook laughs cruelly at how wrecked the other looked, teeth gritting as he closes to his orgasm.

"J-Jungkook ow—" 

He can hear the broken tone in the submissive's voice.

Jimin's crying. Again. Fuck.

It get's Jungkook cumming the next moment, the raventte slowly milking out his orgasm.

"Round three?" He asks breathlessly despite hearing the other's silent sobs as he plops down into the mattress like ragged doll.

And through all of his pitiful noises, he still nods, frantically.


I'm tell you. It just goes on and on. Do u like the dynamics?

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