Chapter 26: Little one

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"Is it true that you both were— were in a BDSM relationship?" Jungkook asks carefully, watching the other's foxy eyes sparkle.

"Yeah, you could say that."

"I heard you didn't follow consent." The raventte accuses defensively, arms crossing against his chest.

"That's a lie." Namjoon frowns. "Everything we did was consented. He was a great masochist."

A masochist. Fuck.

"He said that's why he left, cause you crossed his boundaries."

The other stay silent for a second, as if replaying a certain scene in his head.

"You've got it all wrong."

The words he was afraid of.

Jungkook tries to keep his mind open, after all, the other could be just manipulating.

"I honestly don't even know why we broke up. It was so odd. As I said— we were trying new things, we were comfortable with it, but one day he just snapped at me in bed."

"What do you mean?"

"I said he fucking snapped at me, told me to get off him, and when I asked what's wrong he'd just throw a fit, even started crying as he got dressed, I was worried what wrong I'd done so I follow him but he just slapped me. Never tried talking to that bitch ever again."

The frown never left the raventte's face.

Something was a missing.

The missing piece to all this.

"I think you have more to say." Jungkook asserts, eyes dense.

"Yeah, as I said, all this happened just cause I called him Little one."

Little one.

Jungkook repeats that word under his breath.

"Are you sure that's all?"


Jungkook just confirmed there was nothing else left, it was pretty clear from the other's tone. He chews on his bottom lip tensely.

"Why do you still bother him?"

"Bother him? I tried apologising for whatever I had fucked up, but hell no, not even two days he found new guys, like I was never of an importance. Like a slut, as if I had no feelings. Won't you be mad at him too?"

Jungkook would.

Definitely would if Jimin just left like that.

But he chooses not to agree.

"I'm gonna leave now." He states plainly, watching the other's eyes fixate over him.

"Do you still not get it? He's weird. He's unexpectable. Leave him."

Jungkook's jaw tightens, but his laughs it off pretty fakely.

"I like the unexpectable. It's fine."


"You're being so weird."

Jungkook snaps out of his short tired day-dream trance.


"See?" Jimin asserts. "You used to be ready to pick up an arguement with any word I say and now you don't even pay attention to barely anything I say."

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