Chapter 28: Vibrators

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"Please have a seat Jimin." Mr.Jeon addresses, though the words were laced in fake delight, Jimin felt the need to gently stumble into the chair.

The old man still upheld the sternness in his eyes, looked like he had a knack of making guests feel nervous for some odd reasons. Meanwhile, Jimin observed Mrs. Jeon in a whole new light, lean and dyed black hair forced into a elegant bun, she was pleasant, she had a warm smile, the kind where her eyes sparkle, something that had gone amiss in the eyes of her husband. 

She had hugged him enthusiastically and called him cute, he had a feeling they will hit it off well whether Mr. Jeon approves of him or not.

It wasn't a surprise when they were warded off to the dining hall immediately, a strict dinner proposal from the rich parents of his fuckbuddy.

Jungkook sat on the very opposite of him, eyes glowering with intent, with gaze so heavy it made Jimin's eyebrows furrow in slight perplexity.

Oh yeah.

His hands are supposed to be on the table.

To make sure he doesn't touch himself.

Shakily, Jimin's arms cross over on the table, leaning a bit forward with a calm smile gracing his lips.

"Well Jimin, it's absolutely great to meet you!" Mrs. jeon cheers, the fondness oozing out of her.

Jimin's eyes crinkle.

"I'm glad to be—"




"Glad to be here." He finishes with a shattering breath, as cool as possible, his thighs squeeze impossibly close and his lips part just a bit as his blown eyes dart towards the ravenette's vile ones.

The fucking vibrator.

Jimin's unsure of what to do, he can feel the toy vibrating just against his prostate, just the beginning but his breathing paces up and he just feels like he'll— like oh fuck he'll—

"How did you both meet?" Asks Mrs. Jeon smiles, looking very curious.

And being the brat Jungkook is.

He looks towards Jimin, cocking an eyebrow up, urging the other to speak up.

Jimin's afraid all he can do is moan fuck.

Compose yourself Park. Don't slip.

"W-Well we, we both got assigned as roommates." He then helplessly look into Jungkook's eyes, shifting himself slightly on the seat. "We just hit it off really really well."

"Yeah, never seen Jungkook get so close to anyone." Mr. Jeon mutters, the statement was out of bitterness.

"It's not like that—"

Jungkook just notches up the power of the toy just bit.

Jimin can feel it.

His mouth falls apart, but he catches himself with a deep inhales, eyes glazing.

"I'm sorry. What I meant is that, we hated each other at f-first."

The silvery boy fought the urge to whine.

"And then you both managed to make it up to each other? Very well." Mrs. Jeon chimes,the old couple's attention shifting towards their son who sat there, a knowing glare borong into Jimin's eyes.

The submissive takes this no attention opportunity to squirm, arching his back off subtly.

His eyes plead Jungkook.

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