Chapter 46: Look at me

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For the darlings who begged <333

"You c-can't be doing this to me." Jimin moans out, tittering out little curses when Jungkook's hand runs up and down Jimin's length.

"I didn't ask for denial. I asked for overstimulation." He whispers, hissing when the fingers enter him once more, Jungkook's larger rougher hands somehow do more justice to Jimin at the way he pumps his cock.

"So fucking demanding, you're trying me too much Park." Jungkook laughs bashfully, he stares the submissive down, eyes aglow with curiousity, with the excitement of how he was going to make Jimin squirm and thrive under him.

Two fingers slip back in again, this time more carelessly, Jimin grunts at that, throwing his head back when the fingers curl inside of him, reaching in for his prostate, the silvery male almost wishes Jungkook doesn't because when he does it pulls Jimin's sanity so low he's almost numb to sanity.

"Oh fuck.

His voice is breaking, teeth sinking hard on his bottom lip, a hand working recklessly on his swollen cock and the other rutting against his prostate, his knees jerk and bend and he tries to sit up with a gasp of a sudden wave of overwhelming pleasure. His stomach knots into hot coils, driving him over the edge so hard that it makes the him thrash his arms around.

"Oh Jungkook—"

He's so close, he's so sensitive, toes curling in and a loud moan resonating in the room as he cums hard and good, spilling all over the ravenette's hands, the white sticky liquid drips all the way down to his hole, where Jungkook's hands don't stop.

Jimin's unable to breathe.

Jungkook wasn't stopping he realizes.

"J-Jungkook I'm—"

He's flustered, he's breathless, eyes clouding in the matter of seconds when Jungkook doesn't pause, continuing to pump Jimin's newly hardening cock, and he's so sensitive that the touch burns. 

"Gukk. Gukkie— this is— this feels so—"

"Feels good right?" Jungkook husks, sounding in a laughter Jimin was sure he never heard, almost hotly demonic. His hands keep banging into his hole, three long fingers thrusting in all wet and slick.

"Tell me how good it feels."

Jungkook leans in to stare into the other's dazed eyes, way into the way Jimin reacted to every move of his, it was rare to see the other so sensitive to touch, he toys around with the other's limits, hands going in so hard it made Jimin feel queasy.

"Ngh— f-uck!"

Jimin feels like he's lost his mind.

He can't help but gasp for air. It was too much, and he feels the familiar feeling grow in his abdomen once again. He feels so violated that he tries to stop the other, hands trying to still the other's wrists, but Jungkook doesn't budge.

He doesn't budge and keeps going on and on, both hands tirelessly moving over Jimin's skin till Jimin's hips buckle up, the next orgasm coming up as strong and his sensitive body couldn't bear the intensity of it, he let's out a weak cry, his thighs spasming as he cums hard again, soaking the sheets more this time.

"Fuck." Jungkook curses, licking his lips as even after that does not let go of the other's cock, and his own cock replaces his hands, easily pushing in and it leaves Jimin a shaking mess.

"No, no, no. Too much!" Jimin moans, trying to pull away, head dizzy and body weak, he tries to squirm away but Jungkook holds him down with bare minimum efforts.

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