Chapter 18: Eat me

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Thick wet lips wrap around his fingers, and Jimin obeys, suckling on the other's fingers with his tongue.

"Just look at yourself, doing such nasty stuff even when you say you didn't want it." Jungkook croons cruelly, biting his lips as small wet sloppy noises sound into his ear , Jimin sucking without a revolt.

He pulls his finger out, all wet and sticky, looking down at the other with this completely distraught eyes.

Eyes of lust.

Now he brings his cock against against the other's mouth, letting the tip press against the other's lips.

"Let me fuck your mouth, yeah?" He asks, and the other pliantly nods, parting his lips and letting the other push his length in.

The ravenette's length was heavy and warm on Jimin's tongue as he easily let's his jaw slack, making it easier for the other to move deeper in until it hits the back of his throat.

Jungkook's hips stutter, feeling out off breath as he gives the other time to relax a bit, Jimin let's his throat open out more, muscles tensing when the other's cock slides in further.

And then Jimin swallows around it.

"F-Fuck." Jungkook chokes out a curse of etcascy at that. He looks down at the other's eyes glistening with tears, looking absolutely like any man's wet dream with his lips around the other's cock.

Jimin's throat relaxes further, it's impossible how good he is at this, Jungkook finds himself helplessly thrusting into the other's mouth, agonizingly slow.

"Oh shit." 

Jungkook might cum embarassingly fast.

Cause the other's tongue presses against his length harder with every thrust and he's teething at the flesh, letting it drag against the other's cock in the right way.

"Jimin— god." He chuckles at himself as thrusts sloppily, his pace picking up.

Jimin hums his wet lashes fluttering, letting his voice vibrate against the other entire length. He's getting breathless, the taste of the dominant's cock caused his entire mouth to salivate, drool spilling down his chin the faster the other snaps his hips.

"So pretty, so fucking pretty, such a pretty little cockslut for me." Jungkook praises, voice low and raspy, completely loosing it at the feeling of the other's mouth engulfing his length so easily.

Jimin hums once again, his jaw aches, yet he keeps himself open for the other.

It's a turn on.

It's a fucking turn on for Jimin to watch Jungkook force his cock into his mouth like that, his thighs squeeze close, ears soaking in the sounds of the ravenette's hot grunts and moans.

Jungkook's relentless now, eyes squeezing shut, moans wavering as he get's closer to his orgasm.

Jimin's chocking slightly at the sudden pick up on pace, feeling dizzy with the lack of oxygen, le presses his tongue harder against the other's length, feeling the other's cock pulsate in his mouth.

Jungkook pulls out immediately, white liquid squirting all over Jimin's face, adorning him in the most obscene way.

The ravenette pants, breaths in sync with the other as he droops lower, eyes gazing over the other's features, eyes wet, lips dirty and swollen.

Just everything about Jimin makes him horny.

He's never been this consistent, he's never wanted to fuck the same man again and again and not got tired.

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