Chapter 29: Risk

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"Oh Jiminie dear, I know for a fact that you and my beloved son aren't just friends or brothers."

Well now, that wasn't really good thing.

The silver-headed male's eyes widen,  pupils darting around in panic.

"No. I-It's not what you think. Were not—"

"Don't argue with me dear." The old woman interrupts, a tight smirk resting on her thin lips. "You cannot convince me otherwise, I just know."

Jimin's head hangs down low, heart pulsating frantically, his teeth sink onto his bottom lip. Not even daring the think about the possible outcomes of this.

"How. Did you know?" He mumbles absently, mustering up courage to look into the other's wise eyes.

She smiles.

"Jungkook looks at you differently."

Jimin, now's not the time to scoff. Hold on.

"And when I hugged you, you smell like his shampoo, his soap, his perfume. All these years and if one thing I know about my son it is that he does not like sharing."

The younger male can only huff tensed, puffing his cheeks out, his lips claiming a pout.

"All these years and he hasn't brought in a single man— not even a woman to this house. It's so obvious you're different for him."

Jimin definitely did not know that.

"There wasn't even a hint of sarcasm when he talked about you. He hasn't even talked so good even about me."

He didn't know that too.

"And he gave you a lift in the car his actual mom gifted him. Do you know that's one of his most prized possesions? He doesn't let anyone roam a feet around it, not even our servants."

Actual mom?

That was too much information.

"Oh, so you're— you're not his real—"

"I'm his Step mom. I'm not his real mother, she died of a heart failure, it was really sudden. But I do love him, I made sure I took care of him as much as his actual mother would."

Jimin can't wrap his head around it. 

"That's— okay."

It explains a lot. But still not enough.

"You must be a hell of person Jimin. If Jungkook has taken a liking to you."

Jimin's eyebrows furrow in panic.

"B-But, please, don't say anything to his dad. I know you're against all this but—"

The woman laughs.

"Who said I'm against all this?" She asks, as if it's the most simple thing in the world.

"Uh. Well. Jungkook did." Jimin dead pans, a sense of relief washing over his features when the old woman waves her hand off with a shake of her head.

"That's cause Jungkook doesn't know me. My first kiss was a girl. I even fell in love with a girl. He doesn't know that now does he?" She smiles.


Jimin's stunned.

He manages to force out a soft laugh.

"S-So you aren't gonna say anything."

Mrs. Jeon winks playfully.

"Don't worry. I'm actually wishing for you two to get going. You seem like a good kid."

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