Chapter 30: Dad and his friends.

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The other's petite frame shakes against his chest, fists clenched onto his shirt.

"Jimin, I'm not going to say that ever again. Only if you tell me what's wrong." Jungkook assures, his tensed voice thrumming along his chest, Jimin pulls apart, refusing to show his face as he messily wipes his cheeks and sniffles rather unattractively.

"There's nothing you to need to know." He mumbles, eyes darting low, everywhere but into the ravenette's eyes.

"There's a lot, we both know that, why are you so—"

"Jungkook." Jimin interrupts. "I just don't like being called that."

"There should be a reason for it." 

"I just. don't. like. it." Jimin retorts, eyes red and strained, gaining back his skills of arguement.

"You cried all over me. Just cause you don't like it? Come on Jimin I thought you could lie better than that." Jungkook scoffs in disbelief, he found it ridiculous how secretive Jimin was trying to be.

"It shouldn't matter to you." Jimin scowls weakly, sniffling.

"It does. Believe it or not I care Jimin, I care about you."

Jimin chooses not to respond, he tries to slip past the other but Jungkook pulls him back against the wall again.

"You can't get rid of me that easily." Jungkook taunts, his eyes held no playfullness, almost scary if anything.

Jimin just couldn't handle all that constant interrogation.

"If you're so curious. Here's what. I didn't have a mom Jungkook, only a dad, a dad whom I have to visit every vacation cause he pays for my college. A dad whose friends visit his house everyday. A dad who's friends have been calling me that since I was ten. A dad who's friends find me dead attractive."

Then Jimin shoves Jungkook with power, managing to let the other stumble slightly.

"Friends who know I won't say anything cause my dad can't know I'm a fag. Stupid, ugly friends who call me 'little one' so that they can feel me up."

His voice wavers, but it gets louder, advancing closer to the other, chin up to hold in his tears.

"If he, my dad, knows I'm gay. I won't be able to study, I won't be able to get a job, I won't be able to be independent and escape from those men. I won't be able to step out of that hell hole."

His teeth grit to hide the pain.

"I don't hump on Seokjin cause I'm horny. It's cause I know that's the only touch in town that makes me feel safe."

And then a single tear slips down the other's puffy eyes, and the silver male laughs out chockingly.

"And guess what! I'm going to have to go there again. During the winter breaks."

Jungkook doesn't know what to say.

"Are you happy? Happy that I told you my deepest darkest secret?"

The repulsion in the other's voice was dizzying for Jungkook.

"And that's why you broke up with Namjoon?" He asks.

Jimin raises a finger, anger crawling into his senses.

"Don't. Even talk about that man." He warns in malice.

"Why?" Jungkook asserts. "It was BDSM. I get it. You had consent. I get it. You were a masochist and he was a sadist. I get it. But what happened that day? Didn't really get it."

"He's told you?" Jimin frowns, eyes softening.


"Then he didn't tell you the entire thing did he?"

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