Chapter 26: You're gorgeous

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Jimin gets off of the slick toy immediately, trembling on his knees, lipping his plump lips apart with delight.

Jungkook hurriedly let's his pants loosen and collect over his ankles. He crawls over on the bed, his smile smugly playing on his face.

"You aren't even gonna let me study are you—"

There's a knock on the door.

Jimin whines.

"Not now." He frowns, breath still ragged as he humps against the sheets.

"Who's it!?" Jungkook shouts out, highly annoyed.

"Jungkook, open up! I need a help."

It's Yoongi.

Which was odd cause he usually the type to avoid bothering the other at all.

"Not now!" Jungkook growls, his frown deepening.

"I'm panicking here don't you understand the seriousness of the situation damnit!" The other's voice sounds too strained, and it causes Jungkook to worry, and he decides to get off the bed with a loud sigh.

"No— No don't go. Tell him to talk later." Jimin whispers, closing his legs and rocking his hips back and forth, skin just yearning to be groped.

"It'll take a minute, hold on like a good boy."

Jungkook makes his way half naked to the door and opens it slightly.

"Jungkook. Help. Hoseok's drunk and he kissed me and I kissed him back and it doesn't make sense cause I'm drunk too— and why the fuck are you naked oh my god!" Yoongi's eyes dart away, embarrassment flushing on his cheeks as he looks at everywhere but there.

"You're acting like you've never seen me naked before."

"That's cause I haven't." Yoongi retorts, his eyes still blown, but Jungkook isn't in the mood of pestering other.

"Is that it? Your little crush gave you a big fat smoochie? You want to cry about how magical it was and how he's your chosen one or something?"

Yoongi's cheeks shade darker, and it shows so evidently against his pale skin.

"N-No damnit. He's crazy drunk. I don't know whether he actually likes me or—"

Jungkook interrupts with a huff.

"Can we keep this for later. I'm pretty busy fucking my roommate."

Yoongi's eyes automatically try looking past the other as an instinct.

"That explains your nudity. Continue." He mutters, allowing the other shut the door.

"That was more than a minute." Jimin breathed out, bouncing happily as the other walks across the room and crawls into the bed once more, laying down and making himself comfortable.

"Fuck, I'm gonna ride you." The submissive whispers under his breath, as in disbelief.

"Yeah, you better." Jungkook chuckles.

It's incredible how comfortably Jimin swings his legs over the other's torso, his small hands pressing against the other's flexing abs as he seats himself.

"Fuck." Jungkook groans, eyes fixating over Jimin sitting on top of him in all glory.


His hands hold onto the other's slender waist.

"You're gorgeous."

He doesn't fail to see the other's cheeks dust pink.

"See? You're being weird again." The silvery male whispers.

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