Chapter 39: You don't care

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"Jimin, I need you to stay calm—" Taehyung closes in further, snatching the phone away from the smaller male who couldn't stop staring at the screen, absolutely terrified.

"Let's just go back and—"

"Where's Jungkook?" Jimin interrupts, eyebrows furrowing and eyes teary.

"He— I'm not sure, he wasn't there during the dance practice."

Jimin scoffs brokenly, shaking his head and eyes darting around in panic. "This shit's going to fuck me up forever." Voice breaking when he says that.

He pulls his phone out, hands trembling as he frantically types on a message to the ravenette.

where are you

ans me.


boys locker room.

meet me there.

"I need to go." Jimin asserts, running a hand through his dirty silver hair with a shaky huff. Taehyung nods reluctantly, pursing his lips as he watches the other hasten away all tensed.

Jimin's breathless by the time he jogs into the boys locker room, Jungkook's standing there with eyes dark and head hung low, as if really anxious. The smaller male is currently overwhelmed with unstable emotions, he advances with heavy stomps, grabbing ahold of the ravenette's shirt by the collar.

"What the fucks happening?" He questions in dread, shaking the other's larger frame slightly.

"How am I supposed to know?" Jungkook scoffs, and the look on his face didn't even look like he was that affected, only a bit aggravated if anything.

Jimin's mind is eager to spill.

He grits his teeth, shoving the other hard enough for him to stumble back.

"You're— How are you so cool with all of this?" He whispers, eyes into a deep frown, feeling incredilous.

"Do I really look cool Jimin." Jungkook snaps, clearly offended. "Do you have any idea what my family is going to do to me?"

But so is Jimin's.

"Mine too! You're not alone!"

"You don't get it. I lose wealth, I lose shit I care about, what's the worse that could happen to you huh? Get scoldings from your daddy's perverted friends for fuckin aroun—"

"Don't you dare!" Jimin warns thunderously, eyes cornering with hot tears as his fists clench.

"Listen Park." Jungkook steps closer, eyes wild. "We're both fucked. You have no right to be mad at me."

"How could say that!" Jimin cries out. "It's all because of you! I told you it wasn't a good idea!"

Tears roll down Jimin's eyes, and they continue endlessly, eyes a painful red and broken cries escaping his lips, it makes Jungkook nauseous, to know the reason Jimin was crying was him.

"God damnit Jimin! Stop crying! You're being such a bitch right now!"

Jimin can't believe what he's hearing.

"I'm being a bitch?" He asks quitely through his sobs. "I'm being a bitch Jeon?!"

Jungkook groans in frustration.

"No. That's not what I meant—"

"Then what do you mean! What the fuck do you want from me!? Isn't risking my entire future enough already?! You've fucked us up both—"

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