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Harry couldn't eat anything that morning. McGonagall had just informed them that they had searched the entire castle but couldn't find either Black or Hermione anywhere. He kept poking at his breakfast, wondering where Hermione was at. He would give anything to have Hermione back in Hogwarts. Even sell his Firebolt to have Hermione there. 

"Harry are you okay?" Fred suddenly asked Harry. What was he supposed to answer? How he had failed Hermione by not informing the Professors about Barty Crouch Jr. and Fenrir Greyback and the other mysterious man so they could keep her safe by being there? Surely they wouldn't have attempted to try anything if the professors were there? Harry was about to jump from his seats to tell McGonagall when suddenly a mysterious owl came soaring over towards Ron and Harry and dropped a letter into Harry's hand. 

"What is it?" Ron asked. The letter was addressed to both Ron and Harry from... Hermione's Grandma Elka. Harry gulped. He didn't want to know what Elka had to say about them. Slowly, Harry opened the letter and proceeded to read...

Dear Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley, 

WHAT THE HELL? I just got a letter this morning from Headmaster Dumbledore, saying how my Granddaughter is missing! 

This better not have anything to due with what's been going on with the Firebolt and Scabbers! That's right! Hermione informed me about the situations about informing Professor McGonagall about the Firebolt and the chance it was hexed and how Crookshanks supposedly ate Scabbers! You better not have driven her away!  

Firstly, you guys should be glad Hermione told McGonagall about the Firebolt before something horrible happened to you guys. She was looking out for you guys! Secondly, Crookshanks is a cat! Cats eat rats! Hate to break it too you, but just because Crookshanks was behaving as a cat should does not mean you should put the blame on Hermione. Especially ordering her to lock Crookshanks up! Would you have done the same with Scabbers? How about Hedwig, Harry? No! You would want Scabbers and Hedwig to get some freedom from their cages. Do I feel sorry for you losing your rat, Ron? Yes, I feel terrible. But that does not excuse your behavior towards Hermione! 

If there is so much as one bruise on Hermione, I will make the two of you wish You-Know-Who had gotten to you first!


Elka Ostrovsky 

"Bloody hell! She can't serious be blaming us for Hermione's disappearance?" Ron asked, furiously. 

"You read the letter! How could she not blame us? Elka thinks we might have driven Hermione away because of the Firebolt and Scabbers incidents." Harry grumbled as he leaned against the table, "We have to tell them." 


"Tell them about Fenrir Greyback... and Barty Crouch Jr. They need to know so they can figure where Hermione might be." Harry stated to him. 

They stood outside McGonagall's office, trying to pluck up the strength to go inside. They quickly shared a look with each other before nodding and knocking on the door. 

"Come in," Mcgonagall's voice billowed from the other side. Harry and Ron muscled through the doors only to find they weren't alone. There was Professor Snape, Lupin, Flitwick, Sprout and even Trelawney. Worst, Headmaster Dumbledore was even there, standing right next to McGonagall. Harry and Ron stood there, frozen to their spot. 

"Yes, Potter and Weasley? Can we help you?" McGonagall asked them, motioning with her hand for them to come closer. Slowly, the two shuffled across the floor towards the Professors. 

"Do you have any word for us?" Headmaster Dumbledore asked them in his kind tone. Harry gulped before Ron and him proceeded to inform them all about Barty Crouch Jr. and Fenrir Greyback. Once they were finished with their story, everyone looked at them with a mix of shock and horror. 

"You knew about Fenrir Greyback and Barty Crouch Jr. being around Hogwarts and being interested in  Hermione and didn't inform us about this earlier?" McGonagall asked, sounding disappointed in the both of them. Harry and Ron began going on a rant about how they weren't entire sure if it was really them or not when Dumbledore raise his hand to silence them. 

"It's obvious, they didn't want to be quick to judge a situation. I understand where they are coming from. Thank you though for now coming forward so we may figure out where they may have taken here." Dumbledore told them before departing them from the room. Harry and Ron left with their heads down low in shame for not coming sooner. Just as they left the room, Harry gasped and froze to where he stood. Coming from down the hallway was none other than Elka Ostrovsky. Harry and Ron turned to try and rush down the other direction. 

"Harry! Ron!" Elka called out. Harry and Ron slowly turned back as they were now a foot away from her. Harry was prepared for Elka's outburst but...

"I would like to apology to the both of you." She blurted out. Harry's eyes shot open as he shared a confused look with Ron, "I shouldn't have lost my temper. When you guys have children or grandchildren, you tend to think the worst of people when you hear those people had a fight with your child or grandchild and suddenly they vanish from where they're supposed be. Your mind's first thought is, it's got to be the people they had a fight with last. So again, I'll like to apologize." 

"We'll like to apology too, Miss Ostrovsky." Harry spoke up, "It's just been a rotten year for the three of us... and with tensions high and the dementors making everyone's mood gloomy...." 

"I agree with you about those dementors, Harry. I told Fudge having them here was a big mistake. They throw off everyone's mood! Oh! I better get in there, they requested me to come in." Elka stated to them as she moved to McGonagall's office's door. Before she went in, she turned towards them. 

"But I want to assure you two, I did get word that Hermione is safe." She told them. Harry finally felt like he could breathe. 

"She is! Where is she?" Ron asked her. Elka pressed her lips together. 

"Let's just leave it at she's safe." Elka said before vanishing behind the door. Ron and Harry shared a look of confusion before going down the corridor. 

"What the bloody hell do you think that was all about?" Ron asked curiously, along with Harry, about Elka's strange behavior. Before they could think further about it, they found Hedwig flying towards them. She flew overhead as she dropped the letter over them. Harry grabbed hold of it as he read it was from Hagrid. He opened it as he pulled the letter out. 

Dear Harry and Ron, 

Heard what happened to Hermione. Thought you two might want to have some tea with me this afternoon. I'll come and collect you from the castle. Wait for me in the entrance hall; you're not allowed out on your own. 

Hope you two are safe, 


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