Chapter 2 - The bathroom is a scary place

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The pic above is not mine. Originally by Georgia Fowler.


Chapter 2 - The bathroom is a scary place

So, getting back from where we started, I've grabbed a tray with glasses full of probably the most expensive champagne. Without anyone seeing me, I've gulped down a glass and went on my way with the tray. I know you're not supposed to drink on the job, but this was a rich people's party and I need to be able to get through with it for the next 4 hours while being tired as hell. It's not like they'll notice a glass missing, anyway... I should know, since I've lived like them until last year's events.

As I'm walking to the ballroom, I heard someone screaming their lungs out. I quickly put the tray down and headed over to the bathroom, where I assumed the scream was coming from.

Inside, a middle-aged lady in a tight blue dress was frantically looking in the mirror in shock. Her make-up, or what used to be her make-up, was smeared all over her face. She looked... horrible to say the least.

"Oh my God!!!" She screamed. She was very dramatic. "I can't believe this! This stupid faucet came up in all directions. Look at my face!!!" and then she started crying.

Me, an empath, noticed that she might be a biiiit upset.

"I'm so sorry this happened, m'am." I say, barely holding in my chuckle. She actually looked pretty funny with her make-up like that. "Would you like me to call someone for you, or to help you in any way?"

"Pfft. It's not like you can help me. Unless you have a make-up kit lying around and are a pro make-up artist, that is." She scoffs. "Please don't call anyone and close the door, it would be embarrassing to be seen looking like this at this party. What will people think?!"

"Actually" I start, noticing her looking at me confused "I think I can help you. Please wait a minute".

I ran back to my locker in the staff room and grabbed my make-up bag, the only thing I couldn't sell since no one would buy half-used make-up. Truly a token of my past life. I went back to the bathroom and saw her still standing there in front of the mirror.

"Here. Let me help you" I say while starting to wipe her face of all the smeared make-up. I quickly fixed her face with some foundation and powder, put on a light eyeshadow and black mascara, and then a bit of lipstick that I felt matched her skin tone. I'm not a make-up artist by any means, but I've grown up watching make-up tutorials on YouTube and knew how to do mine and my mother's pretty well when I still had time and money to invest in this hobby. I miss my mom...

"Okay, I'm done. What do you think?"

"Oh! Oh? This looks amazing on me! How did you do this in only 15 minutes?"

"You know, just some practice..."

"And with all this talent you're working as a waitress?" she asks me. I got a bit annoyed at her tone, to be honest. Without waiters and waitresses, no one would be up their snobbish asses with champagne glasses and food platters... but whatever. You gotta pick your battles. I didn't have energy to argue with this lady tonight.

I've just showed her a fake smile.

"Since you've helped me, let me return the favour. Come with me" she says and walks out of the bathroom.

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