Chapter 40 - Fuel to the fire

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Chapter 40 - Fuel to the fire

~Kamila's POV~

"Have you lost your goddamn mind?!" JYP almost-shouted angrily at Chan.

"What?! Me?!" Chan replied, with an equally angry tone.

What an awkward atmosphere... I thought, side-eying Felix.

He felt me tense up and grabbed my hand soothingly, mouthing an "It will be okay."

I nodded.

"Before you go around punching people, you should think of the consequences! And on a big sponsor, no less! I can already smell the scandal your impulsive actions will bring. You're the leader. I thought you knew better!"

"Well, what was I supposed to do, then? Let him hit my girlfriend?"

"You should've just called your manager and security!!! That's why they are there!!! And you" JYP said, looking at me. "I am very disappointed. How could you let him do that? When I hired you, I didn't expect you to cause so much trouble."

Hearing his words, I felt warm tears stinging the corner of my eyes, threatening to fall.

"I'm sorry..." I let my head down, too ashamed to look at JYP.

"No, you will not apologise for this." Chan said, turning to me. "And you won't make her apologise for something she couldn't control." Now, he was facing JYP again, who seemed flabbergasted by Chan's harsh tone.

"He's right though... I shouldn't have done anything... I should've just pretended I didn't know Min and leave..." I said, quietly, a few tears rolling down on my cheeks.

"Okay, okay, you know what? What's done is done. Let's think of what to do next." JYP waved his hands around and sat down in his chair.

"I've filmed the whole thing." Felix said.

"You what? So there's proof that Chan came and punched Mr. Young's son? You should delete that immediately."

"I asked Felix to film..." I said, trying to control my voice through the small sobs. "Min is part of a prostitution ring and I wanted to get a confession on camera..."

"What???" JYP replied, confused of how the situation's taken this turn.

"Yes... he tried to make me join... ever since then, I've been thinking on how to report it, but I never had any proof, nor the resources to..."

"But now, we do." Felix said, pulling out my phone and playing the video.


I opened the car window for some fresh air as we dropped Felix off to the dorms. The icy-cold winter air felt chilly on my warm cheeks.

Before getting off, Felix hugged me from behind, since I was sitting in the front, next to Chan.

"Kami, don't beat yourself up too much. We'll see what the lawyers say tomorrow, okay? Just message me if you start feeling too overwhelmed. Personally, I think you were super brave today to do what you did."

"Thank you, Lix. Now go off to sleep, yea?" I hugged the arms around me.

"You too. Thanks for dropping me off, Chan, see you."

Felix closed the car's door and me and Chan watched his frame quickly disappear in the building.

Chan started the engine again, and simply started driving, without saying anything. It was too cold outside, so I closed the window, trying to let the seat's warmth warm me as well.

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