Chapter 32 - Christmas Eve

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Chapter 32 - Christmas Eve

~24th of December~

~ Kamila's POV~

It's Christmas Eve, my parents' death anniversary, and I feel like shit.

It's already 01:53 AM.

I tried to go to the office and work myself to sleep, to forget it all, but all I am doing is to keep replaying the memories from that night in my mind.

How my dad swerved wrong and hit the tree. The impact. My parents' lifeless bodies.

This kind of pain I'm feeling is too much to bear tonight.

It's consuming me. Slowly eating me away.

I can't even cry it out. No tears would come out.

It's like I'm living dead.

I don't have anything left in me.

Just this excruciating heartbreak.

And the worst part is... I don't have anyone.

There is no one I can go to.

No one I can see.

No one I can call.

No one to talk to.

I'm completely alone.

I have to deal with this pain alone.

I can't burden anyone.

Everyone is happy.

Everyone is with their families.


I just have to... get through this night.

Can I do it?

Just like I did so many times... can I survive this night?


Why does it feel like I can't move anymore?

This pain in my heart paralyses me.

The office is warm, but I feel so cold.

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