Chapter 31 - Heartbreak; Good and bad news

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Chapter 31 - Heartbreak; Good and bad news

~Kamila's POV~


Kami, hey!


Hi Lix, what's up?


are you busy rn?


Not really, why?


Can you maybe come to the dorms real quick? We need some help


Of course, what happened?


We were watching a replay of the stage and Jeongin keeps saying that he's ruined the whole performance because his voice cracked at the end.

He locked himself in the room and won't come out no matter what.

He doesn't even let Chan see him.

So I was thinking that maybe he'd open the door if you were to come.


What??? How can he think that he's ruined it?

Wtfff the performance was great omg

I'm coming now


"Hey, thank you for coming." Felix greeted me with a smile and pulled me into a hug.

"Hello. No need to thank me. So where is he?"

Felix led me in front of one of the bedrooms and I gently knocked on the door.

"Innie, can I come in?"

The door slowly opened, showing a defeated boy with puffy eyes.

He moved aside so I can enter the room and closed the door behind me, without locking it.

I sat on one of the beds and petted the place next to me, which I.N was quick to take.

"Hey." I smiled gently.

"Hey." He replied in a quiet voice.

"What's up, foxie?" I petted his head lightly.

Hearing me, he pouted and turned his head away. I moved a bit further away on the bed from him and, with the hand that was petting him, I guided his head towards my lap.

He didn't resit, and soon enough his head was resting on my legs.

He was clearly upset, so I continued to pet his hair and his face.

In the corner of my eyes, I noticed the door moving a bit and saw Chan come inside.

"I fucked it all up. Because of me, the performance was horrible. I ruined everything." Started Jeongin, tears building up in his eyes.

"Now, now, why would you say that, hm?" I asked quietly. "You did so good. Everyone is so proud of you."

"I didn't. I couldn't control my stupid voice and it cracked. It sounded so bad."

"I know it probably doesn't mean a lot to you, but if you want me to, I'd like to tell you what I think about the performance."

Jeongin nodded, a few tears escaping from his eyes.

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