Chapter 8 - Kingdom Pt. II

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Chapter 8 - Kingdom Pt. II

When we've entered the room, pieces of clothing were scattered everywhere. My inner designer cried. Shirts, jackets, jeans, gloves etc. were cut up and had parts missing. Everything was a mess.

"What is this?!" asked Chan. "What happened?" You could hear some despair in his voice. He sounded defeated.

"I- ... I think the stylists rioted against the company. I've heard they asked for a raise a month ago and the company wouldn't give it to them, so they... took it out on you, it seems. They probably thought that the only way they could hurt the company would be to make sure you're losing the contest today." Responded the manager.

We've all been quiet for about a minute.

"... okay. So what can be done now? Can we get some replacements or..." asked Chan.

"... Chan, we only have about 30 minutes until you should've left for the interviews... I don't think there's enough time to get anything else. Besides, no one from the designer department has been answering the phone. And it's not like we can simply buy you H&M clothes for this contest..."

"So what do you suggest?! To give up? You know how hard we've worked for today!" Chan almost shouts back. He then puts one hand over his eyes, covering them, in an attempt to calm down.

"You know I would never suggest that. I will try contacting some of our sponsors to see if they would be able to deliver anything here..."

While they were talking about their options, I started inspecting all the clothes on the floor. Some of them were in better condition than others, there were cuts and stuff, but it wasn't anything that couldn't be fixed. It was obvious from the state of the clothes that the stylist left in a hurry and didn't really plan this through. They didn't do a good enough job in ruining the outfits.

Absent mindedly, I told them: "I can fix this."

"You know you shouldn't joke about this right?" asked the manager angrily. Chan gave me a confused stare for a few seconds, and then his eyes lit up.

"Yes. Yes!!! She can help us. She's a stylist! She even went to Korea's best University for Design!" said Chan loudly, which made their manager turn to face me.

"Seriously?! A stylist in the make-up team?! But what would you even do? We have to leave in 30 minutes. Even if you could somehow save these clothes, there wouldn't be enough time..."

"Some of these clothes may be in bad condition, but they're not impossible to fix with some creativity. There's almost 5 hours left until the performance, right?. Go to the interview wearing regular clothes, tell them that your outfits are a surprise and let me deal with it." I say confidently.

"Uhm..." starts the manager. "And how do you plan on fixing anything?"

"Well... The designer team left in such a hurry, that they forgot to take the original looks' drawings from the desk. See? I have all the boys' measurements written here too. Now obviously, the outfits won't look exactly the same, but I'll think of something and improvise. And the fur jackets are thankfully intact, as you can see"

Those were the highlight of the performance since they were about to perform a song called Wolfgang.

"Chan? What do you think of this?" asked the manager.

"Sounds like a plan" he smiled.

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