Chapter 11 - A glimpse of you

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Chapter 11 - A glimpse of you

~Chan's POV~

"I can't believe we won! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" Han sure is excited. And loud.

"Yes, we did! Well done, everyone!" I responded and everyone cheered. I loved these boys more than anything, seriously. They've been my family even before our debut.

"Soooo" smirked I.N. "ready for the part-eyyy?"

"What, are you even allowed to come?" mocked Seungmin.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"There'll be alcohol. You're too young for parties."

"Yea, you should just go home! Go home!" laughed Minho.

"Shut upppp!!! It's not like you're so much older than me Seungmin. You'd me the maknae if it weren't for me!!!" responded I.N. and stuck out his tongue.

"Yah! Don't be disrespectful to your elders!!" said Minho.

"Nooo, I wasn't disrespectful to you! I was talking to Seungmin! Saranghae Lino!" * heart fingers*

"Aren't you all too loud? I can't even hear my thoughts!" I laughed.

"Hey, Chris. Do you think the girl who did our clothes is still around?" asked Felix.

"You mean Kamila? Yea, she told I.N that she'll wait for us to finish to take off our make-up. Why?"

"I haven't thanked her yet for helping us. That was really nice of her. And she did a really good job."

"She really did! Look at my outfit! This blouse is super cool." said Seungmin excitedly.

"About that... I was actually thinking of inviting her and the team to the after party with us to thank them. What do y'all think?"

"Sounds good!" said Felix.

"Agree, we wouldn't have won without their help." Smiled Minho.

"Yes, yes!!! Invite her" Hm, I.N. seems pretty excited... a bit too excited, actually.

"What, do you like her or something?" mocked Seungmin again.

"Yes, I do. She's realllyyyy prettyyyyyy <3"

"Oh my, our Innie has a crush. Now I have to get to know her as well! She ignored me completely earlier." laughed Changbin.

"You're too young for her, Jeonginnie. And of course she ignored you, you're the least interesting. Didn't you see how she spent the most time with me?" said Seungmin in yet another mocking tone, winking at the boys.

"Don't flatter yourself, she only did that cause your outfit was messed up. And she was looking at Chan in all that time."

That made me turn around. She was... what?

"Well, if no one's against it, I guess we'll have a bigger party tonight!" I laughed, trying to stop the boys from arguing. That seemed to work, as they all started nodding and changed the subject.


I walked down the hall and I saw Kamila looking at her phone. I could see her expression changing, she became serious and looked worried. Someone was probably calling.

Just as she answered the phone, she turned her back at me and faced the wall. I don't think she saw me.

I know I shouldn't listen to other people's private conversations, but her look made me question if something had happened to her.

"Hello, yes, speaking. Is anything wrong with my sister?"

Does she have a sister? She didn't mention that earlier. She didn't talk much about herself, so that's expected, but still... I did tell her about my family when we talked.

"Oh my god. What?! Is she okay?"

I wonder what's wrong. What happened to her sister? Man, I'm so nosy. I should probably stop listening.

"I see... when did she go into surgery?"

Surgery? Is her sister sick? Kamila sounds very distressed. Should I ask her about it?

"Ok... By the way, could you tell me ... how much this surgery and the medicine she'll need is going to cost...?"

She seemed to have hesitated to ask that, and her voice was so quiet. Does she need money? She did say that she had to quit school because of some family affairs...

"Okay... Can we add this on the payment plan? Unfortunately, I'm on a temporary contract and don't have any kind of insurance I could add her on... I also can't afford to pay for the total cost of her surgery and medication in cash right now..."

Chan, stop being nosy.

"I understand. Thank you so much for calling me. I will make sure to be there first things first tomorrow morning... Have a nice evening."

Should I... ask her about what happened...?

"Hey Kamila!" I smiled, pretending I haven't heard her conversation. She seemed down and had tears in her eyes. I could see that I caught her off guard. She quickly turned and wiped the tears away, then turned back to me and smiled. "Is everything okay?" I frowned.

"Hey Chan! Yes, everything's fine, thank you for asking!" she continued to smile at me, as if nothing's happened.

"Are you sure...?"

"Yes, of course! Congratulations for the win. You guys really deserved it!"

I don't know what came to me in that moment, buy I took her in my arms and hugged her tightly. I felt like she needed it.

"Thank you." I told her, pulling her closer.


(A/N) For anyone who reads this, I would truly appreciate your feedback and a vote if you'd enjoyed the chapter.

Thank you, and let me know what you think so far! ❤︎

- Storm

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